During my tour of duty in 1967 with the U.S. Navy in Vietnam, I traveled to the city of Manila in the Philippines. My visit to the city included the cemetery where the U.S. soldiers from World War II were buried. What a sight! I gazed in awe at the seemingly endless rows of white crosses (over 17,000) marking their graves.
My namesake, Lewis Richey, one of Dad’s best friends, died in that war while fighting in the Philippines. I couldn’t help but wonder if his name was on one of those crosses. This Memorial Day I am remembering his sacrificial death.
MEMORIAL DAY is a time to remember all those who gave the supreme sacrifice for freedom. Let us remember with thanksgiving those who gave their lives that we might have the privilege to live “in the land of the free and the home of the brave.” We can enjoy this great country today because of the many brave men and women who died in defense of the USA. Truly freedom is never free! Thank God for those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
And let us also thank God for the ONE who died for all, that we might be free indeed . . . free to walk in newness of life because of Jesus Christ the Lord! We have much to remember, and much for which to give thanks.
Thank God for all those who have sacrificed for this country! And pray that, “In God we trust” would become more than just a motto in our lives!
WE HAVE LOST TOO MANY, TO LOSE SO MUCH. May we all do what we can to preserve what remains and recover what has already been lost, in order that the death of so many would not be in vain. And may God have mercy on the USA!!!