Be grateful for everything in your life
Enik? Müringer
INSPIRATION LIFE │ Founder, Author, Publisher, Spiritual Teacher and Medium
We can be grateful for all experiences, relationships, challenges, for everything in life. In every situation we can learn and be thankful, also in pain or loss.
I am thankful for all my experiences in Hungary, where I was born and grew up. Even for the hardest challenges. Today i see everything from a new perspective. I cannot turn back time. But I can accept, forgive and let go. Above all I can learn.
For your growth. Look at your life, from today backwards:
1. What are you thankful for in your life?
2. What has been loving, fulfilled and joyful for you? For what are you thankful with this kind of experiences?
3. What has been challenging, difficult, connected to fear, pain or loss? Go to these experiences and look at them from a new perspective. What can you learn from these situations?
We can learn from every situation, reflect and be grateful. Focus on the gratitude in your life.
If you develop the ability to be thankful for everything, you will go on new way. Many things become easier. You open new doors for yourself: acceptance, letting go, understanding, humility, happiness, inner peace, contentment.
When you are grateful for ALL in your life, then you go to infinite LOVE.
With love and light to you,
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