Is the grass really greener?
Siobhain Danaher
Lean Strategist, Writer @The Art of Positive Change, Travel Photographer, Optimist ??
The popular proverb ‘The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence’ is used in the context that other people’s lives, the things they have, the situations they live in can look better than our own, even though this is.
If we are being true to ourselves this is really a perspective rather than a fact!.
This proverb is often shortened to "The grass is greener?on the other side" or 'The grass is greener."
This proverb refers to the way we tend to look at other people’s lives and things that we don't have through rose coloured glasses. We can tend to think that others have better lives, jobs, houses, relationship, clothes, education, financial security etc - ?the list is unending or that our lives would somehow be so much better if we had better lives jobs, houses, relationships, clothes, education, financial security etc. While we think about what we don't have, what we presume others have or what social media shows us what others have on their side of the fence we neglect to tend to our own grass and be grateful for everything we have and everything we are.
Maybe if we spent our time and energy nurturing our own grass we wouldn't have time to look over the fence at others or time to think of an envisaged better version of what we have, we would instead ?realise the grass is greenest where is it watered!!!
What area of your life requires watering and nurturing?
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