The core difference between GraphQL and REST APIs is that GraphQL is a specification, a query language, while REST is an architectural concept for network-based software.
GraphQL is gaining momentum as a successor to REST APIs. However, it isn’t always a “replacement”, and making the decision to opt for GraphQL comes with several considerations.
Traditionally and when used “out of the box”, REST has had limitations like multiple network requests and overfetching data. To overcome these, Facebook developed GraphQL as an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs.
GraphQL is a syntax for requesting data and lets you specify precisely what you need.
Depending on your use cases, you will need to choose between GraphQL or REST API, or a combination of both. To make a more informed decision, let’s take a look at REST and GraphQL, and understand some of the reasons for choosing GraphQL.
REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that conforms to a set of constraints when developing web services. It was introduced as a successor to SOAP APIs. REST, or RESTful APs, are Web Service APIs that follow the REST standards. Unlike SOAP, a REST API is not constrained to an XML format and can return multiple data formats depending on what is needed. The data formats supported by REST API include JSON, XML, and YAML.
When a client calls REST APIs the server transfers the resources in a standardized representation. They work by returning information about the source that was requested - and is translated into an interpretable format.
Working with REST APIs
A REST request is made up of the?endpoint,?HTTP method,?Header, and?Body.
An endpoint contains a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that helps in identifying the resource online.
An HTTP method describes the type of request that is sent to the server. They are:
When working with data, a RESTful API uses HTTP methods to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations.
Headers provide information to clients and servers for purposes like caching, AB Testing, authentication, and more.
The body contains information that a client wants to send to a server, such as the payload of the request.
Summery of REST
GraphQL APIs
GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. Maintained and developed primarily via the?GraphQL Foundation, GraphQL has had incredible adoption across a variety of verticals and use cases with organizations like Twitter, Expedia, Shopify, and GraphCMS to name a few.
Advantages of GraphQL APIs
Let’s cover some of the basic advantages that help GraphQL stand out.
Data Fetching
One of the most common limitations of REST out-of-the-box is that of overfetching and underfetching. This happens because the only way for a client to download data is by hitting endpoints that return fixed data sets. It’s very difficult to design the API in a way that it’s able to provide clients with their exact data needs.
Overfetching means getting more information than you need. For example, if the endpoint holds data on burgers available at a restaurant, you’d hit the?/burgers?endpoint, and instead of only getting the?names?that you’re interested in, you may get everything that endpoint has to offer - including?price,?ingredients,?calories, etc. With GraphQL, you’d simply need to dictate what you want in a query:
burgers {
Your response wouldn’t include any other information that the endpoint may be able to provide, giving you a predictable dataset to work with based on what you requested.
Schema and Type Safety
GraphQL uses a strongly typed system to define the capabilities of an API. All the types that are exposed in an API are written down in a schema using the GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) and/or code-first.
Frontend teams can now work with the typed GraphQL API knowing that if any changes occur from the backend team on the APIs design, they’ll get this instant feedback when querying it from the frontend.
Popular tools like the GraphQL Code Generator can automatically build all of the code for queries, and mutations, directly from your codebase GraphQL query files. This speeds up development and prevents errors in production.
Rapid Product Development
A common pattern with REST APIs is to structure the endpoints according to the views that you have inside your app (example?/menu,?/prices, /images, etc.). This is handy since it allows the client to get all required information for a particular view by simply accessing the corresponding endpoint.
The drawback of this approach is that it doesn’t allow for rapid iterations. With every change that is made to the UI, there is a risk that there is more (or less) data required than before.
Consequently, the backend needs to be adjusted as well to factor in those new data needs, being counterproductive and slowing down the process of product development.
With the flexible nature of GraphQL, changes on the client-side can be made without any extra work on the server. Since clients can specify their exact data requirements, no backend adjustments need to be made when the design and data needs on the frontend change.
Schema Stitching
A major differentiation is the ability for stitching schemas. GraphQL can combine multiple schemas into a single schema to make it accessible to the client. For example, merging the schemas of a Burgers API and a Nutrition API by getting the details of a particular menu and the nutrition facts of the item into a single schema, from different sources.
burgers(where: { name: "cheeseburger"})
# from Menu endpoint
# from Nutrition endpoint
# from Restaurant endpoint
At GraphCMS we believe that the?next step from Schema Stitching is the ability to federate GraphQL and REST APIs into a single GraphQL endpoint. To learn more about applying??in Production,?
Summery Of GraphQL
author by, savindu pasintha (Software Engineer) Email : [email protected]