GraphQL Unveiled: A Comprehensive Guide to Transformative API Design
Yasith Wimukthi
Software Engineer at IFS |Full Stack Engineer | Software Engineering Fresh Graduate | Java Developer | Blogger | Tech Enthusiast
GraphQL is like a super-smart messenger between the different parts of a web application. It was born in the Facebook labs in 2012, and they generously shared it with the world in 2015.
Imagine you're ordering food from a restaurant. With traditional methods (like REST), you get a fixed menu, and you have to order everything as it comes. Sometimes, you get too much (over-fetching), and other times, you might not get enough (under-fetching). It's like ordering a combo meal when all you wanted was the fries.
Now, picture GraphQL as a friendly waiter who listens carefully to what you want and brings only that – no more, no less. It lets you customize your order, ensuring you get exactly what you need and nothing more. This makes the conversation between your app and the server much smoother and faster.
Key Concepts of GraphQL
1. Queries:
query {
user(id: 123) {
2. Mutations:
mutation {
createUser(input: { name: "John Doe", email: "[email protected]" }) {
3. Subscriptions:
subscription {
newMessage {
4. Schema:
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
email: String!
type Query {
user(id: ID!): User
5. Resolver Functions:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
user: (parent, args, context, info) => {
// Logic to fetch user data based on the provided arguments
Mutation: {
createUser: (parent, args, context, info) => {
// Logic to create a new user based on the provided arguments
Differences Between GraphQL and REST
1. Over-fetching and Under-fetching Issues in REST:
Over-fetching (REST):
Under-fetching (REST):
2. How GraphQL Addresses These Issues:
Over-fetching (GraphQL):
Under-fetching (GraphQL):
3. Comparison of Data Fetching Approaches:
GraphQL Schemas
1. Defining Types and Fields:
What it's Like: Imagine creating a blueprint for your dream house. In GraphQL, this blueprint is the schema. Types are like rooms, and fields are like the furniture inside. For instance, a "User" type could have fields like "ID," "Name," and "Email."
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
email: String!
type Query {
getUser(id: ID!): User
2. Scalars and Custom Types:
What it's Like: Scalars are the building blocks, and custom types are the unique structures you create. Scalars, such as "Int" or "String," are like individual bricks. Custom types, like "Address," are combinations of these bricks, creating more complex structures.
scalar Date
type Address {
street: String!
city: String!
zipCode: String!
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
email: String!
registrationDate: Date!
address: Address!
3. Schema Validation:
What it's Like: Schema validation is your project inspector. It ensures your plans align with the rules before construction begins. If you forget a crucial detail, like not including a required "Name" field, the inspector (validation) catches it and prompts you to fix it.
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
email: String!
type Query {
getUser(id: ID!): User
Mutations in GraphQL
1. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Data:
What it's Like: Mutations are your magic wand for transforming your data world. It's like having the ability to add new characters to your story, update existing ones, or even bid farewell to characters who've served their purpose. In GraphQL, mutations are the special operations that handle these narrative-changing moments.
type Mutation {
createUser(input: CreateUserInput!): User
updateUser(id: ID!, input: UpdateUserInput!): User
deleteUser(id: ID!): User
2. Input Types:
What it's Like: Input types are your trusty form-filling companions. They're like neatly organized forms you fill out to specify exactly how you want your story to evolve. In GraphQL, these input types help you structure the details of the changes you wish to make.
input CreateUserInput {
name: String!
email: String!
input UpdateUserInput {
name: String
email: String
3. Optimistic Updates:
What it's Like: Optimistic updates are like confidently marking a task as complete before it's officially done. In GraphQL, it means updating the client's UI optimistically – making changes on the client side before waiting for confirmation from the server. This improves the user experience by providing instant feedback.
type Mutation {
createTask(input: CreateTaskInput!): Task
Example of Optimistic Update:
// Optimistically updating the UI before server confirmation
const optimisticResponse = {
createTask: {
id: 'temp-id-123',
title: 'New Task',
completed: false,
GraphQL Resolvers
1. Understanding Resolver Functions:
What it's Like: Resolver functions are your backstage crew in the theater of GraphQL. They're like the actors who bring your script (queries and mutations) to life. In GraphQL, resolver functions are responsible for fetching the actual data requested in your queries and mutations.
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getUser: (parent, args, context, info) => {
// Logic to fetch and return user data based on args
Mutation: {
updateUser: (parent, args, context, info) => {
// Logic to update user data based on args
2. Connecting Resolvers to Data Sources:
What it's Like: Connecting resolvers to data sources is like setting the stage for a play. Resolvers need to know where to get the props and costumes (data) from. In GraphQL, data sources can be databases, APIs, or any other storage. Resolvers bridge the gap between what's requested and where the actual data lives.
const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server');
const resolvers = require('./resolvers'); // Your resolver functions
const UserService= require("./datasources/UserService");
const server = new ApolloServer({
typeDefs, // Your GraphQL schema
dataSources: () => ({
userService: new UserService(), // Connect resolver to a data source
3. Error Handling in Resolvers:
What it's Like: Error handling in resolvers is akin to having understudies ready backstage. If something goes wrong during the performance (data retrieval), you want to handle it gracefully. In GraphQL, resolvers can catch errors, ensuring a smooth experience for the audience (client).
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getUser: async (parent, args, context, info) => {
try {
// Logic to fetch and return user data based on args
const userData = await fetchUserData(;
return userData;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching user:', error);
throw new Error('Failed to fetch user data');
Real-time Data with GraphQL Subscriptions
1. Introduction to Real-time Data:
2. Setting Up and Using Subscriptions:
const { PubSub } = require('apollo-server');
const pubsub = new PubSub();
const resolvers = {
Subscription: {
newMessage: {
subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator(['NEW_MESSAGE']),
3. Use Cases for Real-time Updates:
GraphQL is not just for developers; it's here to make your online experiences smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you're using a mobile app, a website, or anything in between, GraphQL is the superhero language that helps your favorite applications perform at their best. So, the next time you interact with an app seamlessly, remember, GraphQL might just be the unsung hero making it all happen.