Graphotherapy - Application of Graphology
Tulip Chatterjee
Wix & Wordpress Website Designing and Development (Freelancer) || Founder of Graphocyklopedia
Graphotherapy is a process designed to reprogram the personality through repetitive, small, micromovements of fingers. Even the smallest change in handwriting techniques known to be very insignificant can cause great impacts on individuals. Graphotherapy uses fingers to create patterns that redesign neural pathways to generate good habits and incorporate desired characteristics. Therapy includes illness and healing. Graphotherapy as well can be used to enhance one's mindset, physical presence, and emotional state. Your expressive behavior and your personality dispositions are correlated. They correspond to each other. You could change the personality disposition and the writing can change and likewise when you change your writing, your personality disposition can change.
For example, When you are sad and depressed your writing is downhill. There is a correspondence between your feeling sad and downhill writing. You could start feeling happy and eventually, your writing will change to uphill, or simply start writing uphill and your disposition will be changed to something positive and happy.
Again, a person who slants the writing to the left. The person can be gently asked to make it at least stand straight or slant to the right as the client will feel comfortable to do. When an individual who was used to slant to the left is made to slant to the right, eventually the corresponding characteristic traits begin to emerge in the individual.
One quick tip :
The oval parts of the letters 'a', 'o', 'e', 'd', 'g', etc represents the oxygen content of the cells.
So if these letters are ink-filled or have any loops inside, it represents a condition of reduced oxygen levels in cells called Hypoxemia. This can cause headaches, confusion, shortness of breath, etc.
But also do not start making your ovals too large because it can cause a condition called Hyperoxia that is, increased oxygen in the blood. This can cause disorientation, respiratory problems, or myopia. Prolonged oxygen toxicity can result in oxidative damage to cell membranes.
So keep your writing as simple as possible.
QnA with experts :
We asked a few questions to Mrs. Monika Bansal (Partner of Mr. Rajesh Juhari of Power of Handwriting) and Mr. Varun L Rupani (an expert Educationist in the field of Graphology, Face Profiling, Numerology, Dream Analysis & Statement Analysis. He is also an Associate Member at ACFE - Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.) about graphotherapy and here is the conversation:
1. What do we understand by graphotherapy?
- (Monika Bansal) See, first to understand what graphotherapy is, you have to understand what is graphology. Graphology is the graphic representation of the human mind, right? And, it comes from your brain. Whenever you do an activity, you think about something that triggers your brain and there is a neuro pathway that is formed for the hand to do whatever signals your brain is conveying. Do you get this point? Right. So, because this is a neuro pathway that is created for getting the thing done, whatever is in your mind, your hand reflects it. So whatever changes you make with your hand movement, that is also going to affect the neuro pathway that would be generated, finally going to the brain.
So, basically what’s happening is, whenever you change your hand movement, your neuro pathway is going to change. Due to this reason, your handwriting, or, graphology becomes graphotherapy.
Now graphotherapy is basically changing your hand movements or changing your handwriting to bring about desired characteristics in your personality. So now, if we ask what is graphotherapy, this is a remedial tool. We can also call it graphoremedy to change a neuro pathway so that we can de-stress ourselves, increase our concentration, manage anger issues, and improve retention. If I am aggressive, I’ll lack concentration. If I’m stressed out, I’ll lack concentration. If I have got anxiety, it will decrease my capability of doing well in my job/s...even my grip would change.
So, graphotherapy is about bringing desired change; it is not that I am going to change the person as they are, because obviously, their characteristics cannot be changed, but those habits that do not work for that person, we bring about changes in those characteristics.
- (Varun Rupani) So let’s say your hand and your brain, are connected to each other. So, it’s neurologically connected. So if you see, there are studies that have been conducted already in the science of neurology, and with connection to handwriting analysis, they have checked it. And, what data that has come out, is that whatever you write, it does create an impact in your mind. So, you can use this as a therapy. Like if you change a few letters or you change a few patterns/traits/designs you can say, so it will impact your mind and thus it will help you to create a better habit. So, graphotherapy is nothing but simply where you can use handwriting analysis as a tool to change your habits.
When I say “change your habits”, it does not mean to completely change them, but you can reduce the negative habits by a drastic level. Suppose there’s a person who’s very angry by nature. He cannot completely remove anger from his personality but he can control it with graphotherapy.
2. Are there any recent researches going on surrounding graphology?
- (Monika Bansal) See, I don’t know what other people are doing, but we are doing a lot of researches with scientists...I will not be taking names because that is a personal project; it is not with an organization. But, we are doing researches of the research that I am associated with is the Correlation between psychology and graphology. One of the weaknesses that graphology has is that we don’t yet have an organized basis for it; we have not proved it yet. It’s been worldwide but in India, the researches are still at a low level. So one of the researches that we are doing is the Correlation between psychology and graphology. The traits that we are taking are depression, anxiety, and stress; where there will be standardized forms of psychological questionnaires that are already there, approved worldwide. So we are trying to bring in a connection between what their researchers say, what their questionnaires say, and what graphology traits are telling. Those studies are already in progress. We are taking 2 ECGs also because ECG is studying brain waves. So what changes we are taking with graphology; suppose there is a particular person. We would take his handwriting on a normal topic, something associated with his life, then, we bring in changes. Those changes will be registered; this is also what we are planning to put in the pipeline of what we want to do, as UH; as Power of Head. Also, there is one research we are doing with a Bangladesh guy. He is a clinical psychologist. See, basically, once it is done accordingly, step by step (the psychology part, because it needs approval), taking it to the machines, and then further and further we plan to take it to MRI.
We did research on aura reading and graphology. But because the aura is not itself a known/affiliated/approved concept, so the program was dismissed; that research was not considered authentic research.
-(Varun Rupani) So researches that are happening are not happening exactly in India, they are happening abroad. And by the time they come here, it really becomes too...” old school” thing. So if someone has to be really updated with the latest news, then the person has to follow the authors which are really good there. Because the authors, the people who are in graphology, as a subject, out there in America, or Germany, or wherever graphology is used more intensely, we have to make sure, in case someone is a blogger, then we have to follow the blogs. So right now I don’t think there is any major change that has happened.
3. Okay, so what is the scientific basis of graphotherapy?
- (Monika Bansal) See, the scientific basis of graphotherapy, as I already told, because it’s neuroscience, it is solely something that is coming from your brain. And, your brain has two parts – conscious and sub-conscious part. Like, when I’m talking to you, only 15-20% of your brain cells are triggered. So whenever you go for counseling with the psychologist, she really has to poke you to bring about what really is happening in your subconscious. But when I’m writing, 90-92% of my brain cells are triggered. So, a large part of my subconscious is triggered when I am writing. So, when I’m talking, I can change my statements, but when I’m writing, after 4, 5, or 10 lines, I cannot help but go in for the same information of the letters. So the scientific basis, I would say, is that handwriting is generated from your brain. And that is why so much part of your subconscious comes out on the paper.
- (Varun Rupani) Well, obviously there are different types of case studies on this. There’s no one answer that I can tell you. Obviously, one thing is there, that, it’s not exactly’s a scientific thing but finally, the answer which is coming from the data which is out there, it’s purely, you can say, based on the observations. So there are 2 things actually – one is science, and the second one is where it is basically data collection. So the more you collect the data, the more clarity you get on the answer. So, I cannot call it purely’s not even pseudo-science as well. But it’s something in which there is science involved, plus there are experiments that are taking place. So the answer finally what exactly is graphotherapy: it’s not an exact science but it is kind of supporting science...and supporting psychology as well.
If I ask you a question here (laughs): Is Psychology a science?
Tulip: I think so...I am not a psychology student so cannot answer that...
Varun Rupani: I agree, but psychology as a subject is not exactly a science. So for example, let’s say if I talk about gravitational force, which is kind of exact science, as in, when you take some object and you just throw it down, obviously gravity will pull it down to earth, right? So, see, whether you do it in India or you do it in America, the exact science will remain the same. But then when it comes to psychology, what your subject is doing for the first time and what the second subject is doing for the first time might be a different case study altogether. So you see, it’s not an exact science but it’s a science which you can study...kind of a pseudo-science again but it’s not exactly a pseudoscience also. So, it’s a mixed bag of science and intuition, and experiences – all of these things.
4. To what extent can graphotherapy be used to cure medical conditions?
- (Monika Bansal) See, as far as medical conditions are concerned, this is still under research. So, we are not claiming anything. But if you talk about certain graphic patterns that are already in use to release certain psychological things. Such stimulations cause chemical secretions which in turn result in physiological changes. If I’ve got anxiety, it would have a physical aspect also of what is happening in my mind...because there’s a chemical secretion that is happening. But we are still into the proving part, still working to get that on paper. So, we are claiming anything, but yes, if you talk about stress, if you talk about increasing concentration, if you are talking about releasing things; all those aspects of graphotherapy we have already been using with a lot of people. If you ask me personally, I have done it with my daughter...cause I have done it with at least 50 people and I’m getting very positive results. If I meet somebody, I just tell that person to use some patterns that I give them, like “ok, you do these patterns, experience it, do it for 10 days and see the power of graphotherapy or graphoremedy.
- (Varun Rupani) No medical conditions can be cured. When you use the word “cured”, nothing can be cured. It is just that you can improve the health of the person, especially mental health.
Tulip: Okay. Mental health, like, nothing physical, right?
Varun Rupani: Nothing...not at all. So for example, if, I am a graphotherapist and someone is hurt badly, and physical pain is there. So it depends on what kind of physical pain the person is going through. Like, if that physical pain is connected to some kind of mental instability or some kind of brain pattern...the way the person is thinking. Because obviously the pain can be created, because of some kind of physical problem or it can be connected to a mental problem. So, when it is connected to a mental problem, it’s connected to the psychological part of the human mind. Then graphotherapy can help you to reduce it. So, in no way, it will cure you. The only thing is that whatever mental problems one has, it can help one to reduce that.
5. One quick graphotherapy tip that you can give.
- (Monika Bansal) Graphotherapy quick tip, I would say...because there are patterns that we talk about; when I’m drawing certain- See, quick tip-
Tulip: One pattern.
Monika Bansal: One pattern that I’ll show you: we usually give 3 patterns....this is not even one pattern. One is the S pattern; one is the ui5 set pattern, where we make 5 “i”s; and the last one is that 3 standing lines, and, 4 sleeping lines, in particular. But see, these are tips you really need to understand how the patterns have to be drawn. I can give you the tips but they have to be drawn in a particular manner. Right? The S pattern is a continuous S that always has to start from above. So, if you try to do it, it’s not harmful but still when you do it; when you are trying to change your neuro patterns, you are trying to change yourself, there you need to learn the right way to do it.
So, there are 3 patterns that we usually give: one is for releasing or de-stressing, you can say, it also increases your hand, body, and mind co-ordination. Like, when you are drawing, you are enhancing this co-ordination. Cause when you are stressed out, your neuro patterns do not work properly. The second one is the “i” pattern. 5 “i”s which denote your 5 senses. So when you are able to focus all your 5 senses on one thing, you will definitely get the kill...right? Your productivity will increase. Alright. The last pattern is the 7 line pattern. The 7 line pattern is a pattern where there are 3 standing lines and 4 sleeping lines. But, they also have to be done in a particular way where it is like you have to draw it between the 2 lines. All these patterns have to be done in a rule shape. Because see, there are many, many technicalities in it. This is a technical part of graphology...your baselines have a magnetic pull. When you are drawing the line from above to below, that is a swifter movement, which is easy and takes less energy. But when you are doing your hand movements from below to above, that takes more energy...because then, your heart rate increases; your energy consumption increases; the pressure also increases. So, this is the physiological change that occurs when you are writing...which we don’t really consider while writing. Thus, in this 7 line pattern, the 3 lines that you are drawing, should be from the above line to the below line, connecting the lines. When you are talking about the 4 lines, you have to draw it on the baseline...then two lines in between, then on the upper line. So, there is a particular sequence as to how it has to be drawn as only then, a particular part of your brain is triggered. That is why, this pattern works because when 90% of people are talking about the diagnostic part of graphology, they are only talking about bringing in change in the alphabets. If you see it practically, as a graphologist, those changes don’t happen just like that. If you try to change the formation of your letters, it does not happen in a day because your handwriting is coming from the subconscious. So the change also should go to the subconscious level. You have to practice it so much, that it reaches your subconscious. And only then, it will work.
- (Varun Rupani) The best tip I can give to the person who is going to try graphotherapy is consistency. Because it’s not a matter of one month or two months...and I don’t know...cause there are different people who have come up with different things saying “Habit can be formed in 21 days”. So there are theories that are out, but I don’t personally agree with that because I feel that people have a different IQ level and EQ level. So, obviously, when they start graphotherapy, it might take a I’ll tell you; it normally does not take a month or two. It usually takes one year, two years, three years for someone to finally change their designs. Because when I say letter designs, obviously I can change it in one month, but whenever I will write after one month, I will always be very conscious while writing. So if someone really wants to use graphotherapy in their lives, they need to practice it in such a way that their natural handwriting should get the designs. And, they should be able to write fast, too, with the designs. So, consistency is one thing. And, the second; you don’t really have to wait for the fruit to come. The person who is using graphotherapy should simply keep doing the new designs...he should practice every day, without considering like, “Oh, after practicing I will start getting better results.” So, it’s not like this. It’s just that when you start doing it, after two years or after three years, you will realize that particular patterns have changed in your handwriting...and then, your personality traits have also changed. So again when I say “change”, the negatives will be reduced and the positives will be inculcated.
Tulip: Okay...So, have you ever done graphotherapy for yourself?
Varun Rupani: Oh, the best patient/person I have experimented on, is my own self. Because when I was in 12th standard I guess..yeah, I completed my 12th, and then when I learned graphology for the first time, there were few letters which I had to change in my handwriting. So, I started doing it. But then again, my target/goal was not to really change those letters; I just made sure that I don’t write the wrong way-I write the right way. So, now I think, when I see after so many I think it must have been 13-14 years, I think, and I do see that there are many changes that have happened. So, graphotherapy works for sure and I’m saying that not from someone else’s experience; it’s my own experience with Graphotherapy. Graphotherapy works, but then it works only how much the belief system of that person is working, plus how much practice he is putting. So, all of these things matter. But then when you look for the scientific part of it, there are many theories that are out in the market. Now which one to believe and which country to follow. Because see, there are many countries which are following graphotherapy. So when you see the USA or another country like Germany, they are using graphotherapy; they have come up with their own experiments and case studies. And they have their theory of graphotherapy. So when you see from India’s point of view, there’s no one theory we are believing in. Yes, one thing I can tell you; it’s not science also...because it is a part of psychology also. So I cannot call it purely scientific, and I cannot call it a pseudoscience, like how tarot card reading is there...which is purely based on intuition. So, this is kind of a mixed bag of science, intuition, plus, it’s more to do with your practice. The more you practice, the more graphotherapy works on your mind.
Real-Life example:
My story about Graphotheraphy!
Hello, I am Akhilesh Bhagwat! In 2017 I was a shy, emotional, depressed kid back then. An introverted person who just use to see other people having friends, social circle. I desperately wanted to improve myself and one day I got frustrated with the situation henceforth I started writing my frustrations, thoughts and at that time a thought came into my mind, "Why My Handwriting look like this?" So I started researching on handwriting and got to know about graphology. I learned a lot of things yet I taught what if I replace my handwriting letters with the good traits shown in graphology? So I replaced the low t bar with a high bar and my small handwriting with a big size one and my letter y with a bigger loop, handwriting in an upward direction. I kept practicing this for about 31 days until it became the permanent part of my handwriting. And soon after I started feeling the change in myself I became more confident and social, the shyness was like disappeared as I was able to talk to new people. Because of this, I was appointed as the President of the Alumni Association at my college due to my leadership & public speaking skills. Now if 3 traits can work then many others will work too right? So I then started writing letter l with loop & also letter i with a clear dot which helped me become more organized. After this change, I was more organized about my goals, dreams and soon in 2019, I started Graphologymadesimple to help others learn graphology. Because of this, I was learning by teaching and with time I added more traits be it heavy pressure, big e loop & clear o which helped me out with communication skills. I got confident about myself & soon after started Deltatheinnovators with friends a technology company. In 2020, I was very happy with my life as things were going good yet I was not able to solve big problems effectively so one day I asked Avani mam & she told me to change my letter f & r as this will give me the ability to solve problems quickly. So I made the changes and after just 19 days I saw the changes inside myself. And soon after I started and became founder & CEO of it. Currently, I have made a lot of changes in my handwriting & it has helped me improve a lot as right now I am more focused, organized & confident. So Graphotheraphy and Graphology do works & if it can work for me then it can work for you too!
Here's the old & new handwriting: