The Grant Report - 2016
Tom Kennard
Exited Founder | Investor | CEO @ Pragma Holis | Achieving Excellence in Individuals and Organisations
Ever wondered what the ideal profile is for a company looking to secure grant funding? Or perhaps the range of KPI’s that your company should fit into in order to maximise your chance of securing grant funding?
Granted Consultancy have launched our Grant Report at AccountEx 2016 providing answers to these questions (and more). The report is a culmination of extensive research utilising validated data compiled from official sources, freedom of information requests, online research and independent statistical analysis.
The report analyses Research & Development grants and Business Growth grants with a particular focus on the two UK flagship government grant programmes from the last five years:
- Innovate UK’s SMART programme aimed at innovation projects
- Regional Growth Fund (RGF) from BIS aimed at capital expenditure and organisational growth projects
Some key findings of the Grant Report are:
- Nearly 40% of R&D grants were awarded to businesses in London and the South East
- The average age of businesses who received Regional Growth Fund awards (applicants direct to BIS) was 28 years and none were under a year old
- The average turnover of businesses receiving RGF funding for projects was £421 million, but without the largest four companies this average falls to £88.99m
- 68% of businesses receiving R&D funding (SMART awards for Proof of Concept, Proof of Market, or Development of Prototype) were considered micro and a further 25% were considered small
Download the Grant Report here