Grant Opportunities-8 May 2023

Grant Opportunities-8 May 2023

Vectors Group is pleased to share current grant opportunities with your organization.?Review them with your team to see which fits your mission and projects well.

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Grant: Strategic Initiatives – Canada Cultural Investment Fund

Funder and Geography: Canadian Heritage

Who can apply:

To be eligible for funding, your organization must be:

a not-for-profit organization, association, institution, or foundation incorporated under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act or equivalent provincial or territorial legislation, or equivalent Indigenous peoples' institution or organization, including First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and Non-Status Indians:

  • administered by an active board of directors or equivalent Indigenous governing body working continuously for three years prior to the application date;
  • with a mandate related to the arts or heritage sector as outlined in its mandate statement; and
  • with activities and programs that include the arts or heritage sector;

A post-secondary education institution;

A heritage organization governed by a provincial, territorial, or municipal government with distinct objectives, programs, and budgets related to the arts or heritage.

Grant objectives:

The Canada Cultural Investment Fund (CCIF) encourages private sector investment, partnership and sound business practices to help arts and heritage organizations be better rooted and recognized in their communities.

The CCIF program has three components that work together in achieving these objectives: Endowment Incentives; Limited Support to Endangered Arts Organizations; and Strategic Initiatives.

Ultimately, the CCIF helps to create an environment in which Canadians value and invest in arts and heritage organizations.

Eligible expenses:?

Only project-related expenses, which can be of cash and in-kind value, are eligible; these may include:

  • pro-rated salaries and wages directly related to the time spent on the project. (Any such claims of salaries and time must be verifiable by an auditor. It is strongly recommended that organizations expecting to claim salaries implement a system to track these costs, such as keeping detailed timesheets);
  • consultant fees;
  • promotion and marketing;
  • technology costs (specialized software, custom programming, etc.);
  • translation costs;
  • evaluation of project results;
  • costs of producing the project audited financial report when the project funding is over $250,000;
  • administration expenses of up to 15% of total eligible expenses; and
  • travel expenses, which must not exceed the rates permitted for travel on government business.


The deadline to submit applications in 2023 is May 12th for projects starting on or after April 1st of the following year, which is April 1, 2024.

When an application deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or statutory holiday, it is extended to the following working day.


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Grant: Canada Cultural Spaces Fund

Funder and Geography: Canadian Heritage

Who can apply:

The following organizations are eligible for funding:

  • a not-for-profit arts and/or heritage organization operating in a professional manner, incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, or under the equivalent provincial or territorial legislation
  • a not-for-profit organization, incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, or under the equivalent provincial or territorial legislation, that is proposing the development and management of a creative hub
  • a provincial/territorial government, a municipal administration, one of their agencies, or an equivalent Indigenous peoples’ institution or organization that has historically demonstrated its support to professional artists or heritage activities, including Indigenous cultural practice in their community

Eligible expenses:?

Only project-related expenses which can be of cash and in-kind value are eligible. These may include:

  • salaries and professional fees and expenses, including costs of honoraria (but not for directors);
  • recruiting, training, or supporting local volunteers (e.g., childcare, uniforms or transportation);
  • performers' and artists' fees and expenses;
  • domestic travel for event participants;
  • liability insurance (public events funded under the Events component must be covered by liability insurance);
  • translation from one official language to another;
  • communications, publicity, and promotional material;
  • Facility rental, production, and set-up costs.

Grant objectives:

The objectives of the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) are to contribute to:

improved physical conditions for professional arts and heritage-related collaboration, creation, presentation, preservation, and exhibition; and

increased and improved access for Canadians to arts and culture.


There is no established deadline date to submit a funding application under the CCSF, as applications are accepted on a continuous basis.


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Grant:?Events — Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program.

Funder and geography:?Canadian Heritage and Canada.

Who can apply:

  • Canadian not-for-profit organizations, associations, and unincorporated groups of individuals
  • Canadian incorporated and unincorporated municipalities and townships with a population of up to 10,000
  • Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, or Métis) not-for-profit organizations

Amount of funding:

Total government assistance cannot exceed 100% of total eligible event-related expenses. Total government assistance includes all levels of government funding: federal, provincial, and municipal.

We can fund up to 100% of the eligible expenses of the event up to a maximum of $100,000.

Grant objectives:

Expected results are that participants and communities will gain knowledge, develop strategies and take action to:

  • increase awareness of Canada's cultural diversity;
  • increase awareness of issues affecting full participation in society and the economy, related to culture, ethnicity, and/or religion;
  • increase capacity within communities to address racism and discrimination.


There is no established deadline date to submit a funding application under the events component of the community support, Multiculturalism, and anti-racism initiatives program, as applications are accepted on a continuous basis.

However, applications must be submitted at least 18 weeks before the proposed event start date.


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Grant: Community Economic Development and Diversification.

Funder and Geography: FedDev Ontario

Who can apply:

To be considered eligible for this Stream, an applicant must be located in southern Ontario.

Applicants located within or in proximity to large metropolitan areas may be eligible to apply under Stream 1 or Stream 2. See guidelines for additional details.

A. Eligible applicants are not-for-profit organizations?that support community economic development and/or diversification. They may include:

B. Eligible applicants have legally incorporated businesses, including Indigenous-owned businesses.

Funding Amount:?

The Community Economic Development and Diversification stream will normally target investments that range from $250,000 to $5,000,000 per project.

Not-For-Profit Organizations: Applicants are normally eligible to receive up to 50 percent of eligible and supported project costs. On an exceptional basis, FedDev Ontario may consider projects eligible for up to 100 percent of eligible and supported project costs.

Incorporated Businesses: Applicants are eligible to receive up to 50 percent of eligible and supported project costs.

Indigenous-owned Businesses: Applicants are normally eligible to receive up to 50 percent of eligible and supported project costs.

Grant objectives: The Community Economic Development and Diversification Stream aims to develop, diversify and transform local economies by promoting small business development, community innovation, and strategic collaborations.

Through this Stream, FedDev Ontario seeks to enable communities to leverage their economic strengths and unique assets to:

Enhance business attraction, investment, retention, and employment opportunities in southern Ontario communities.

Develop and expand collaborative efforts that strengthen regional competitiveness.

Support regional businesses, hubs, and communities with the goal of economic diversification, integration, and transformation.


The application process for each stream is ongoing. There are no submission deadlines. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

Note that FedDev Ontario reserves the right to initiate calls for proposals as deemed necessary to encourage applications in priority areas or sectors. Information regarding calls for proposals will be provided on FedDev Ontario’s website.


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Grant: Canada Arts Training Fund

Funder and Geography: Department of Canadian Heritage

Arts Branch, Canada

Who can apply:

?Non-profit organization;

?Exist primarily to provide professional arts training, or have established professional arts training as an integral component of your overall activities;

?Offer training activities in Canada that clearly align with program objectives.

Funding Amount:?

Funding to be allocated:?$200,000

Maximum Available Grant:?Up to $5,000

Grant objectives:

The Canada Arts Training Fund (CATF) supports arts training in Canada. The?CATF?provides financial support for the ongoing operations of Canadian arts organizations that specialize in training artists for professional national or international artistic careers, at the highest levels.

Expected results include:

?Canadian institutions deliver nationally significant arts training of the highest quality;

?high-calibre arts training institutions are financially and administratively stable; and

?graduates are recognized for excellence in Canada and internationally.


Application Intake:?June 30, 2023


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Grant: Capital Grant

Funder and Geography: Ontario Trillium Foundation, Toronto, Ontario

Who can apply:

?Have a primary purpose, presence?and reputation for delivering programs and activities with direct community benefit in Ontario

?Demonstrate the financial capacity to manage OTF funds, deliver and complete the proposed project as per otf’s financial health and need policy

?Demonstrate that they provide services in Ontario

?Demonstrate their ability to generate additional resources from the community and other sources

?Demonstrate that it is an appropriate organization to carry out the proposed project

Funding Amount:?

Funding to be allocated:?Minimum $10,000 - Maximum $150,000

Grant objectives:

?Improve access to community spaces, facilities, programs, activities and services, and facilitate community members’ full participation in the life of the community

?Improve and build community spaces

?Make programs and services better and more efficient

?Make better use of technology


Application Intake:?June 14, 2023


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Grant: Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage

Funder and Geography: Canadian Heritage, Canada

Who can apply:

?A local non-profit organization or group;

?A local band council, local tribal council or other local aboriginal government or organization (first nations, inuit or?métis).

In addition, applicants must:

?Encourage local community engagement through activities that promote, celebrate and preserve local performing and visual arts or local heritage; and

?Have successfully organized a prior edition of the festival, within the last two years, that met all eligibility requirements of this component.

Funding Amount:?

Funding to be allocated:?maximum $200,000

Grant objectives:

Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals component provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, artisans or heritage performers. This includes the celebration of LGBTQ2+ communities and Indigenous cultural celebrations.


?January 31:?for festivals starting between September 1 and December 31?of the same calendar year

?April 30:?for festivals starting between January 1 and June 30?of the next calendar year

?October 15:?for festivals starting between July 1 and August 31?of the next calendar year


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Grant: The EnAbling Change Program Guidelines

Funder and Geography: Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility, Ontario

Who can apply:

?Is a not-for-profit organization that is able to reach across an industry or sector in Ontario (this includes municipalities);

? Is compliant with Ontario’s accessibility laws;

? Is a not-for-profit organization that has been incorporated in Ontario or Canada for at least one year;

? Has accountability processes to administer, manage and oversee any funding received from the Province; and,

? Provides proof of Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the amount of not less than $2 million.?

Funding Amount:?

The EnAbling Change Program is a shared-cost transfer payment program. The ministry will contribute up to 75 per cent of total project costs while applicants must contribute a minimum of 25 per cent of the total project costs in cash or inkind. In-kind contributions can include staff time or other organizational resources.?

Grant Objectives:

The program benefits from collaboration with leaders across many sectors who produce customized resources and directly communicate about accessibility and inclusion with their networks. The program also promotes opportunities to increase AODA compliance and accessibility in daily living.


?June 29, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. EST


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Grant: Community Economic Development and Diversification

Funder and Geography: FedDev Ontario, Canada

Who can apply:

?Businesses or not-for-profit organizations in small communities who are working to develop, diversify and transform their local economies.

?Rural partners to help address the unique economic conditions in small towns and rural communities.

Funding Amount:?

$250,000 to $5,000,000 per project

Grant Objectives:

The?Community Economic Development and Diversification Stream?aims to develop, diversify and transform local economies by promoting small business development, community innovation and strategic collaborations.

Through this Stream, FedDev Ontario seeks to enable communities to leverage their economic strengths and unique assets to:

?Enhance?business attraction, investment, retention?and employment opportunities?in southern Ontario communities.

?Develop and expand collaborative efforts that?strengthen regional competitiveness.

?Support regional businesses, hubs and communities?with the goal of economic diversification, integration and transformation.


FedDev Ontario will?review applications as they are received.

All applications will be?screened initially for completeness. Incomplete applications will not be assessed and will be considered ineligible for funding.

All project activities must be completed by the Project completion date listed in the contribution agreement.


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Grant: Regional Innovation Ecosystem

Funder and Geography: FedDev Ontario, Canada

Who can apply:

?Evidence of?project funding.

?Managerial, technical, operational and financial capacity?to achieve the project's stated objectives in a timely manner.

?Market/industry?demand (e.g., how the project addresses a significant gap in the market; global opportunity to be seized within Canada; and evidence that southern Ontario is uniquely positioned to capture market share).

?A viable project plan?with achievable outcomes, supported by verifiable cost estimates.

Funding Amount:?

?range from $500,000 to $10 million.

Grant Objectives:

The?Regional Innovation Ecosystem stream?aims to create, grow and develop strong and inclusive regional ecosystems that support business growth and innovation, as well as the entrepreneurial environment necessary to foster more innovative regional economies and increase the competitiveness of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Through this Stream, FedDev Ontario seeks to:

?Grow and sustain?strategic clusters?and?consortia?to leverage regional strengths and support businesses to scale up and commercialize innovative products, technologies and services.

?Enhance the?development and reach of business accelerators and incubators, and other organizations, which support entrepreneurs, start-ups and innovative companies with high-growth potential.

?Support projects led by innovation-oriented organizations to increase and promote business?productivity and global competiveness,?and?investment and talent attraction.


Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis with no submission deadlines. FedDev Ontario has a single-phase application process and one?application for Funding?that is used across all three streams of innovation programming.


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Grant: Canada-Ontario Job Grant

Funder and Geography: Canada-Ontario Job Grant ,Ontario

Who can apply:

?Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology

?Publicly-assisted universities

?Publicly assisted Indigenous Institutes

?School boards

?Private trainers operating in compliance with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005

?Union-based training centres

?Product vendors

Funding Amount:?

The Canada-Ontario Job Grant supports eligible training costs up to a maximum of $10,000 per trainee, with additional flexibility for small employers.

Grant Objectives:

The agreement is a key source of funding for new, employer-driven, training initiatives and represents an opportunity for the province to engage more effectively with employers to support Ontarians in obtaining the skills required to fill and succeed in available jobs.


Employers will receive acknowledgement of receipt of their application within 24 hours of submission.

Applications are reviewed on a continual basis and employers are generally notified of the decision within 2-3 weeks of the application being submitted through the online application platform. The length of the application process may surpass the 2-3 weeks standard when a further review is necessary and will vary depending on the number of applications received by the same ministry office or service provider. For this reason, the ministry recommends that employers allow sufficient time between the date they submit a COJG application and the expected training start date.


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Call to Action

Here are four ways we can assist your nonprofit organization successfully!

? Grant Writing - Funding diversification.

? Risk Management.

??Strategic Evaluation, Planning, and Implementation.

? Organizational Training and Professional Development.

Please follow?Vectors Group?and?Vectors Institute?to learn how our services can support your nonprofit organization, charity, or social enterprise.

Daniel O. Livvarcin, PhD, CMC

Founder & Lead Consultant at Vectors Group | PhD in Strategic Management | Co-Author of Understanding and Using AI & Risk Management for Nonprofit Organizations | Part-time Professor (uOttawa & RMC) | Researcher

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