Is Granola Good For You?
Craig Latson, MBA, ThM
MBA, ThM, HIRING MUSIC INSTRUCTORS, Global Internet Entrepreneur, Home Business Coach, Collectables, Music Education Director, Wellness Health Pro, Prayer Warrior, Band & Choir Director, Musician, Author, Speaker.
There is conflicting data about granola. The oats seeds and grains certainly provide valuable fiber and nutrition. The article attached below points that out. The extra fats and sugars that may be present, especially in commercial cereals, can offset all of those benefits.
That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be part of your morning breakfast (or snacking). Careful examination of the labeling of the product you are about to purchase is the best recommendation. The article also describes a homemade recipe.
If homemade recipes are worth the toil and trouble, go for it. That’s not my choice. I know a whole line of granola that is nothing but goodness AND low sugar and fat. It is great tasting in every flavor, too. If you would like to know how to try it, contact me and I will make it easy for you. A variety of good and healthy breakfast choices can make a big difference in your well-being.