Granite over time
"Gratitude is not the result of things that happen to us; it's an attitude that we cultivate with practice." - Alan Cohen
Granite Panoramas are now available. The wall area of these photographs are, approximately 8' to 12' long. "Bring the experience to your interiors." Commercial or Residential / Now offering wallpaper solutions, permanent, or removable and reusable. Four different choices to choose from.
In college I selected Geology as my science requirement in my second semester of my sophomore year. My professor Ballard "Bud" Ebbett of Lyndon State College was a very passionate individual who spent time teaching us about our geological earth, but also how we connected to it. He wore the same knit wool sweater, thick corduroy pants, and hiking boots most of the year. His hair went in many directions at times too, which added to the Bud Ebbett experience.
We had many incredible field trips that took us to a hill side in Quebec Canada, the Presidential Mountain range in New Hampshire, to a river bed in the South western area of Massachusetts, and others where there were distinctive historical outcrops that verified our earths history. When we arrived at these locations, Bud's enthusiasm was contagious. He would raise his arms and shout, "We're here! Look here it is! He was similar to someone who just won the lottery.
He was unlike any instructor I have ever had in my life, full of passion and enthusiasm. I was a media major, but I couldn't wait to get to his science class. I loved his Geology 101 course so much, I signed up for Geology 102, and several other courses after that. I graduated with a BS in Media, and was two courses shy of an Associates in Geology because I ran out of semesters.
My fascination with rocks from my college days turned into to photographing rocks. The lighting, shapes, colors, textures all are exciting to me. I understand what kind of rock it is and it's history. The exploration continues but with a creative direction.
On Cape Ann where I reside there are many beautiful rocks that surround the shoreline, field boulders, quarries in the wooded sections, and man made structures. All are rich with history, and make wonderful photographic studies. I hike to many different locations at different times and conditions to find the lighting and perspective I'm looking for.
Thank you for viewing my work. Feel free to contact me with any questions. You can visit my website at or connect with me and see my latest works of art on ...