@Grandmaster blessed @Veena Grover,MYT
Taekwondo & ananda yoga built my physical strength,inspite of all the injuries,I modify my teaching & practicing skills
Stayinig rooted & moving with breath is an amazing technique
Taekwondo & ananda yoga induction added discipline & joy
Discipline starts from inside as all the yoga moves start from inside out.
Inner exploration with breath & staying mentally calm is a blessing
Stay committed & modify
Don't get stuck
Life is never perfect
Perfect is only God
Certified Instructor of Taekwondo & Ananda yoga.
22 小时前Randy Moraitis Gurudra brother Gunnar Espedal ??? ??
Certified Instructor of Taekwondo & Ananda yoga.
22 小时前Rajat tiwari rajendra purohit Cristofer Smith ??? ??
Certified Instructor of Taekwondo & Ananda yoga.
1 天前Gunter Hufner Gulshan bhardwaj Cody Stiner Regards
Certified Instructor of Taekwondo & Ananda yoga.
1 天前Randi M. Harvard University ??? ??
Certified Instructor of Taekwondo & Ananda yoga.
2 天前@Sharing Tattva Shakti Vigyaan Ivo Dolni?ar