Grandma story gets last laugh...
She actually said it 20 years too late, but still amazed me beyond comprehension, "you know that you don't need to be a preacher Robert, don't you?".
Aged 99 years, my Grandmother Thomasina Crowe still spoke very clearly while very old and frail with transparent skin and only weeks left in her life here, she finally passed on this incredible fact.
"Even though your (late) father is a church minister, and his father's father's father were too, your great great grandfather was champion cyclist of Ballymena Cycling Club in Northern Ireland in the late 1890's - it's in your bloodline to ride your bike".
While this is an amazing underlying truth in its own right (because I faced quite a bit of fair resistance from my parents for swapping Carnegie-Caulfield Cycling Club criterium racing in place of attending my father's sermons on Sundays at 9am in the late 80's), there is an even more incredulous feature about this story.
What remains unexplained to this day lies in the fact that, while racing those first few dramatically developmental cycling years from novice to Olympian between 1988 - 1992, the very amused riders of the club racing scene at the time did nickname me after a rather large clumsy but ever so strong 'Baby Huey' cartoon character.
The strange part is, Grandma did not know of a current day astonishing coincidence....... (drum-roll) ...... that being, old Great Great Grandfather Crowe was also named Huey in his own full name - Robert Hugh Colville Crowe.
The take-home message of the story is the philosophical question then...
Was an amazing cycling ability stored in the genes, or was it borne out of the motivation to escape the dissonance of a religious upbringing, or was it still just a 'passion' for cycling discovered in the journey of life?
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