Grandma Saved My Life
My parents were believers but did not live out their Christianity. My paternal grandmother was my foundation for showing me God’s love, grace, and mercy. I swear to this day I can still see her angelic glow. She passed away on November 14, 1997. As she fought cancer she was not scared, she told me with a smile she was ready to go home with Jesus. She led me to Christ and saved me from myself. I know she knew this when she died, I only wish I would have realized it then.
She made sure to always get me to church. Whether it be taking me herself or making sure I got on the local church van. She was a grandmother who always had dessert on the table, and it was homemade. Side note, she was an amazing cook and made the best-mashed potatoes. She loved her family and was devoted to her family in a way that is indescribable in words.
When I was lost during my early high school years, she was there to disciple me. She was kind, gentle, and the perfect example of what God expected from His people. She was a sinner who knew she was saved, and that God loved her the way she was. She loved everyone and gave generously. Her house had a smell that warmed your heart and brought calm to everyone who entered. I could always feel God with her.
She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and died, not scared but happy, at the age of 68.??As Grandma got sick during her chemotherapy, we had to put my Grandpa in a nursing home. My grandfather, her husband, followed her to Heaven almost 7 months later. He was a good man who suffered from a stroke years prior to his death. It affected his mood; he became aggressive and verbally abusive. Grandma loved him deeply and tended to his every need. I prefer to remember him before his stroke. Him being fun and hilarious, as grandpas can be.
My grandma died on November 14, 1997, which was my senior year of high school. I had the privilege of caring for her while she was sick and dying. I stayed with her and helped her to the bedside commode. I will never forget this time with her because it helped me to better understand God’s love for us and how to have compassion for the dying. I was close to my grandmother and being with her as she died was a privilege. I watched a strong woman’s body decline very quickly but her faith that shone like a star was awe-inspiring.??