Grand County Colorado Student to Career Initiative
Grand County Colorado Student to Career Opportunity Initiative
Grand County Higher Education Director, Dr. Scott Springston, is excited about a broad based collaborative focus on the Grand County Colorado Student to Career Opportunity Initiative. The focus of this initiative is to prepare the high school graduates in our county with high level college and career readiness skills and experiences. The genesis is to link the relevancy of the content knowledge with interconnected 21st century workforce skills and attributes learning opportunities.
Employers in the Grand County area are concerned about the availability and readiness of young workers. Meanwhile, many students indicate that they are not aware of the variety of quality jobs available locally and what skills are needed to secure these jobs. The Student to Career Opportunity Initiative (STCO) is focused on addressing this gap as a significant opportunity for growing our economy and attracting young people to stay or return to pursue their career goals.
Grand County Colorado Student to Career Opportunity Initiative is pursuing opportunities for employers and community leaders to come along side our schools to enhance career and technical education, and career readiness of students through apprenticeships, entrepreneurship education, and also community service projects where youth and adults work together to improve their communities for young adults to live and work.
The Initiative will also address student retention, high school graduation, college enrollment and completion, and academic achievement disparities due to demographic, geographic and economic factors. These will be addressed though engagement of our students in pursuit of their passions and abilities in ways that develop the skills they need to be successful in a 21st century workforce and as entrepreneurs mentored by successful business owners and managers in our region.
The Grand County Colorado Student to Career Opportunity Initiative will include seven key program elements: to read more go to