On the Grand Conjunction of 21 December 2020
On the 21st day of the 12th month of 2020 at 10.02 UTC (note 0 1 2 pattern) is the December solstice, a natural turning point in what has been a very important year for the spiritual growth of humanity. At 13.30 UTC on the same day, the highly anticipated grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place at 0 degrees Aquarius.
These two planets conjunct every 20 years or so, so what makes this one so special? This particular conjunction is incredibly close, closer than it has been in nearly 400 years.
These two planets in conjunction are known as the astrological markers of an epoch-shift, a profound collective phase change not only spiritually, but at a physical level in our material world too.
Saturn is the dweller on the threshold, the planetary lord of initiation. He is the guardian of spiritual law. His rites of passage require confrontation with karma in order to evolve. That may sound intense - and it can be - but his toughness is of the tough love variety. He is the cosmic teacher of ‘the only way out is through’. Saturn provide clarity and demands commitment. With his planetary influence, we realise what we must accomplish to earn our breakthrough. He grounds us and keeps us real and focused on the true task. He is the ensurer of the soul’s success.
Jupiter is the happy-go-lucky dreamer of expansive visions. He is the inner inspirational urge and the questing nature of the soul that has unwavering faith in what can be. Saturn will show us exactly how to bring our most radical and bold Jupiterian visions to life. He accomplishes this through spiritual initiation.
Initiation is an amplified and accelerated growth process. It wears away the barriers between the consciousness and capacity of this moment, and the divine genius within that knows how to manifest the grace and beauty of the sacred guiding vision. Initiations are the pressure point massages from the Universe that release the blockages and align us with our true divine potential.
Initiations are also a bit like weddings. The beauty of the “I do” is preceded by chaos, hard work, and grappling with our deepest fears. This must happen as the fertiliser for the beautiful moment of fruition.
This entire year has been a soul-deep preparation for the imminent phase change, which is rather like a wedding of a new earth, a new humanity, a new bride, to the new consciousness which is her bridegroom. We might playfully see the planets of Saturn and Jupiter as the minister and the church, or the two cosmic dads guiding the soul bride into the ceremony (because love is love, right?).
The preparation for the collective initiation has been fierce throughout 2020. We have been forced to reckon with our nature as individuals and as a species, with the need to take individual responsibility for more than our own immediate comfort, to develop compassion and a sense of what is realistic and justifiable sacrifice, and where we need to be smart and dethrone those unworthy of authority because they do not serve the greater good.
Having been on stage in various ways most of my life, I have taken to the heart the old adage, ‘the worse the dress rehearsal, the better the opening night’. This year has been for many of us a chance to learn what not to do, to see what doesn’t work, and in that, to grasp the opportunity to grow in wisdom and evolve with optimism and courage.
The shift into the Age of Aquarius is not a one-time event, but something that occurs over hundreds of years. It is my belief that we are in that process already. The conjunction taking place at 0 degrees Aquarius on the solstice is a cosmic reboot delivered by the two major planetary players that bridge, integrate and unify both individual and collective spiritual growth. It is a planetary push towards integration of the spiritual awareness with the material reality required for entrance into the Age of Aquarius.
The hallmarks of the epoch shift into the Age of Aquarius are collective-oriented thought and action, the development of original approaches to old problems, cultivating a broader sense of what constitutes ‘family’, and the wise development and application of technology for the highest good. We might call it the best and most spiritually advanced humanitarianism.
The shadow side of Aquarius is arrogance, pseudo-love for humanity whilst hating humans (have a think about that for a moment in context of the species self-hatred and ‘human beings are a virus and are the scourge of the planet mentality’ being circulated), and dissociation from the feminine embodied wisdom by retreating into the intellect and becoming fixed and fixated in one’s own opinion to the point of confusing opinion with fact and higher spiritual truth. The shadow Aquarian energy is idealism without compassion, which tends to lead to truly terrible actions against other humans, purportedly justified by a higher cause.
The unintegrated Aquarian energy can lead to us dissing our ancestors as little more than ‘peer pressure from dead people’ as the meme goes, and worshipping technological progress without thought as to the impact on the environment and the wellbeing of Earth’s creatures, nor recognising the value of traditional knowledge and how it can inform modern understanding so that we unite the best of innovation with the priceless guidance of ancient wisdom.
Saturn was the original ruler of Aquarius, before the discovery of eccentric Uranus, and so as Saturn moves through his former rulership, we are invited, tested and tempered to seek the nourishment from the past that has stood the test of time and can support the beautiful aspirations and idealised visions that Jupiter in Aquarius encourages us to boldly cultivate. We will be asked to let go of that which doesn’t serve the great vision of our hearts and our evolving society. This takes courage, but Jupiter has courage, optimism and flamboyant joy in bucketloads, so we are well supported for the task.
The number play for this moment is an arrangement of 0 1 2 3. This is an ascension pattern, the numerical code for natural progression from divine genius (0), through new stages and initiation (1) into reconciliation of the apparently opposing forces and learning how to be wise partners to ourselves and each other (2) and the consequent manifestation of creative vision, joy and conscious community (3).
The numbers are speaking to our souls. The human race is one race, one soul tribe with numerous distinct ancestral lines and an astonishing wealth of cultural diversity. This wealth can become communal nourishment, providing much needed answers as we continue to open our hearts, practice discernment, and balance belief in human potential with respect for nature’s enduring wisdom. The reboot into Aquarius is the cosmic encouragement we need to continue with our quest to unite each other without attempting to control each other, and to embrace the personal responsibility necessary for us to experience collective freedom.
There is a lot of excitement in spiritual communities about this day. Talk is flowing of all sorts of things that are going to happen. As always I encourage you to listen to your heart and ground yourself. Remember that Earth is an Enlightened Being. She knows what she needs and how to accomplish it. Our job is not to direct her but to listen to her and learn from her.
On this sacred convergence, may our hearts be present and open to the Source of love, in whatever way that manifests authentically for each one of us, and allow ourselves to receive. This is not the moment to direct, but rather to surrender and align with the greater energetic movements of our planetary guardians. It is the moment to become penetrable, receptive and allow the cosmic teachers to impress their wisdom deep into the soul. The divine seedling that has long ago been planted in your heart will be fertilised accordingly, and the sweetest fruit that shall be born from this moment can then truly nourish generations of our human family to come.
So much love dear ones. I have so many beautiful offerings that are awakening in early 2021, including online courses with the Divine Feminine in the exquisite modality of the Kuan Yin Transmission, and High Magic Integrative Lightwork in Saraswati Healing. You can find out more at healing.alanafairchild.com. If your heart resonates, I invite you to join me. Know that my heart is holding space for you and the depth and beauty of your journey is sealed with grace.
Keep shining with love’s wisdom.
Blessings, Alana
#alanafairchild #21December #astrology #numerology