Grammar As A Reason To Criticize

Grammar As A Reason To Criticize

I wrote an article recently and the title contained the word “Does/Doe’s”. This was a challenge for some folks as they took the time to write and tell me the word was not in its proper form. I will stipulate this may be accurate. Let that sink in for a minute… They took the time to let me know about a minimal at worst spelling error. I was impressed someone was conversant enough with English that they would note such an error and went to read a few of the articles they’d written. I’m still looking!

This is called majoring in minor things. I write a lot of articles and I’m far more focused on the takeaway than punctuation, spelling, tense and first vs. third person referencing. I would rather get something done and have it not quite be perfect as opposed to not getting it done until it is perfect. It’s possible I should be more conscious of this but I know it’s not going to happen.  

Decisiveness is how giants and visionaries get things done. I doubt Bill Gates waits to make a decision until it’s perfect… He decides and leaves open the room for a new decision. The same goes for Bezos, Trump, Ellison, Stewart, Oprah and so many others. When I have made a decision and need to decide something new on the same topic I see it as a sign of strength and a sign I have been paying attention. When was the last time you decided to decide again? When was the last time you saw a monument dedicated to a critic?

My name is Steven Clauson.  I coach people to get where they want to be. The best part is the people I coach are typically already taking action, getting results and still think about what actions to take to make an even greater impact and aren't afraid of asking for help. What help do you need? What actions have you taken?  I know the one's with a plan and implementing their plan lead the pack. Planning, preparing to win and taking the appropriate action means you hear the word "YES" more than ever. Are you one of the few willing to take action, do what's required and play full out to hear the word yes more often? People accustomed to the word "YES" are winners on the field playing full out and dominating. For these people results matter. Tired of results less than you know you can produce?  Call me at 916-230-0176 or visit



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