At the graduation pastor Daniel led the ceremony and he preached God’s word on Topic that says “The church has the salt of the world” when he finished

Report for May, June and July 24, 2017

We praise God for He has credit to us as a team and for allowing us to serve Him wherever He open the door for the Gospel, we have nothing to proud of, it is by the grace, to Him the praise and worship deserve and We are fine and our families too.

We worked in various places, in Chókwè and Hokwe.


We have 3 places in Chókwè, were we teach leaders’ locally, we have the centers where we teach pastors from different denomination special from the Zionist church; the change is visible in the lives of some pastors.

One of the Pastor called Tsanwane, the younger of Filipe Tsanwane the one who went to glory in 2007 who was our convert from Zionist said; “I give thanks to God because in the first week I thought you come to criticize us and our church, but the Lord gave me a heart to persevere in this teaching and I discovered that you are bringing Salvation to us, and my understanding and my perspectives has changed completely; and we want to say don’t leave us alone we still need to learn more”.

In Another church called shalom we also had another testimony

Mss Mucavel, also said this; “in your heart is very simple to say I know everything but when you start learning you see that you are far and you discover the need for learning more and more. I want to say I have learned many things that increase my thirst for the Lord once more”.

This are wonders to us as a team. To hear such testimonies it give us new encourage to carry on with this task the Lord burdened us with it to help these new churches. Because most of the times when you help these kind of churches you don’t see the really fruit or results. Because the change does not happen so quick.

In the center called Khavelane, leaders they were so blessed when they heard the gospel of Jesus Christ were happy, also they were so blessed to the health department explained with Bible verses it was so amazing to them.

In another center in Chókwè we teach the book of health department which contain scriptures to explain about health problem ‘through that we are able to reach them with the gospel of our Lord Jesus’, one of the leader said; “We are real blessed by this teaching, we didn’t know that the Bible has everything even the explanation for health, now we know that God is in everything, now we believe in Jesus and the Bible, thank for teaching these great lessons”.   


In Hokwe, we had crusade or campaign on that also had leadership training as well.

We were there for 2 weeks, 11oclock we were teaching in the church and evening we were having our open air meeting where all people came to listen for God’s word, people every day gave their lives to Jesus as their personal savior, one of the day  many people committed their lives in a massive number about 75 people came to Jesus and confess Him as their Lord. We praise God for the opportunity. During the day we were teaching to new converts and the local pastors as well, we had also a privilege to share the word in the funeral where many responded positively to the message of the gospel, where some of the members of the family ask something about the second coming of Jesus and some took decision to join a church not because of fear hell but want relationship with the Lord; they also want to be ready for His second coming, when He come for his Church.

One lady from IPCC came to our tent meeting she was blind, but when prayed for the sick she received her sight, miraculous Jesus healed hear, now she can see and even walk at night, she even didn’t know to express herself she said; “I thank this Church it has power I was blind but now I can see even walk at night now I come here on my own”. But we told her that was Jesus who healed her; to Him all things are possible.

One of the Zionist pastors was telling his members not to come in the tent for our meetings, he was saying; “I will go myself as your leader to hear what they are teaching and I will come and teach you, it is not good for you now to go there”. But when the members heard the Word through sound system they came to hear the word and they surrender their lives to Jesus in the presence of their pastor. After that two of them share that they not allowed to come to our meeting by their pastor; the pastor was so furious when he saw them in the tent giving their lives to Jesus, he went to their families to raise the riot against their decision, so the families agree with him, that they don’t need another religious that of that pastor, please let us remember them in our prayer so that the Lord will give courage to stand for the truth not to fall away from their faith                

We also had a big seminar in Hokwe, where about 100 leaders participated in that seminar and about 70 leaders committed themselves to teach others and even in their churches, the teaching was about; what is the Church, what is the gospel, Christ centered church, Evangelism, raising children in Godly way, marriage and the work of the Holy Spirit, these come from the first book. The second book was Biblical leadership

It brought good fruits, first because we brought all the leaders that we are working with them from Chicualacuala, Mapai, Guija, Combomune, Mazivila, Xai Xai, Chigubo and Chókwè, it was great to have the leaders from Gaza province who help us to take the work of the lord which we are doing and represent the work in the places, those people who help us to evangelize in their communities. Please join with us in prayer for these leaders for what they have heard from us will be able to pass to other as they have promised and also for the people of these places where the ladies use to work hard some of them carrying fire wood about 50 kg and walk far to get them. We know it is our aim and major vision to reach the lost but sometime when you win the lost souls and you don’t do follow up by making disciples of Jesus. This is the reason we are teaching our converts and leaders to be stronger, also our leaders are very shallow in terms of understanding the scriptures adequately.

There was a lady by the name Luisa Ngovene was active and she is a good teacher, for the whole teaching we have taught in the seminar, so chose her to teach others, because she is good.     

In July we will have graduation of those whom we taught our books but we don’t know the date, but it will be July this year  

We are coming for birthday with the families but some they don’t have passports; we ask the help they are five who don’t have, we need about 15,000Mt for all of them. Thank you

We also had a big graduation were about 250 people graduated in Hokwe, all are Pastors and leaders of Chókwè district from different denominations, and we praise the Lord for what He alone did through us in our district.

We were helping them by giving them Bibles which Bible liger society donated us, we still have need or challenge in our training centers of the Bibles, we still have people who don’t have Bibles, some they have but is not completely its start from in the middle of Exodus and it end in the Epistle of John, some only new testament, some they don’t have at all.

At the graduation pastor Daniel led the ceremony and he preached God’s word on Topic that says “The church has the salt of the world” when he finished sharing the Word, there was husband of the governor, the Meyer of the district and his subordinates and the leader or chairperson of Religions affairs of Gaza province. After sharing the authority said we are glad to have you as organization because you mean a lot in our district it bring change in our community.

We had our campaign in Chinhacanine and Donga and about 70 people committed their lives to Jesus as their personal Savior for the first time, the campaign was successfully but we still have to do the follow up, the local Pastors said; the time was so short to us, if it was 2 weeks it was suppose to be great to us and would benefit more. People were bound by the demons and they were delivered from the power of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We burned the ancestor’s clothes of those who gave their lives to Jesus, this show their commitment to the Lord Jesus.

Our plain is that it is possible we would like to go back to do follow up this year, to help more and more people who took decision to follow Jesus, to be strong in the Lord. Please let us join in prayer to pray for them so that their faith will not cease.  

We work also in Machaila teaching and showing Jesus film many people came to the Lord for the first time, but will just give one testimony of one man who was drunkard gave his life to Jesus and he Confessed he was real bound and even when he receive money was for African bias.        




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