Gradle is a build automation tool for multi-language software development. It controls the development process in the tasks of compilation and packaging to testing, deployment, and publishing. Supported languages include Java, C/C++, and JavaScript. Gradle is an open source and advanced build automation tool. It builds up on ANT, Maven and lvy repositories and supports groovy based Domain Specific Language (DSL) over the XML. In this tutorial, you will learn about different tasks, plugins with regards to Gradle. Moreover, how to build a JAVA project and Groovy project with the help of Gradle is also explained in detail.
History of Gradle
Ant and Maven shared considerable success in the JAVA marketplace. Ant was the first build tool released in 2000, and it was developed on procedural programming idea. Later, it was improved with an ability to accept plug-ins and dependency management over the network, with the help on Apache-IVY.
Features of Gradle
Advantages of Gradle