Grades: The Thief of Joy

Grades: The Thief of Joy

“What grade did you get?”

I hear this too often in schools.? And it pains me.

The Grade Delusion

Etched into several of my childhood core memories is the experience of being given back assignments by my teacher.?

There was a familiar pattern that I recognise now.? The teacher, slowly walking around the classroom, hands back our workbooks so we can face our judgment.? I can still feel the anxiety, the fear...the silence of the room.? We would be given time to read the teacher’s written feedback, but there was no point - the grade mark said it all.?

And then the silence would give way to a storm in the form of a ruthless student inquisition.? I can never remember exactly who led the inquisition, but I do remember the question everyone was asked:?

What did you get?”.? There was nowhere to hide.

Meanwhile, I’m guessing the teacher was probably delighted.? All the hours of marking and writing comments are for the students to absorb, reflect upon, and determine their next steps of learning.? #Worthwhile.? And wasn't it great to see all the students peer-review their work?? #Outstanding.??

In the time it takes for a class of students to line themselves up in order of birthdates, shoe size, name or height (yes, we’ve all done it... about 2 minutes), or for two teams to be picked by students for a football game (yes, done that too.. about 2 minutes)...that’s about the same amount of time it needs for each child to work out where they stand in relation to their peers.?

Those up at the front feel glorious, validated, and perhaps relieved.? Those in the middle are often just grateful that they are not at the bottom.? And those at the bottom have just been told, again (no words needed), that they are not very good at the game they are playing (school) - and they are not going to be hoodwinked by the words of encouragement that sat under the grade they were served.?

Maybe they will try harder next time???Regardless, what a delusional state of play!


Comparing ourselves against others seems to be a very human thing to do.? There are lots of good reasons why we do it, and I am not making the case against the utility. What I am suggesting is that we need to be aware, particularly when working with young people, of the consequences of comparison.? We need to own them.

In society, when people compare themselves with others around them, they often identify inequalities.? Take nurses' pay in the UK at the moment (and in many other parts of the world).? Many nurses feel underpaid (I agree) compared to other professionals, such as teachers or police officers.? At the same time, teachers feel underpaid compared to other professionals, such as doctors.? And NHS doctors, in turn, feel underpaid compared to their private-sector counterparts.?

We live with comparison; we find our worth in comparison, and we often find our self-esteem in comparison.?

Relativity is the key here. In my anecdote above, the ‘bottom’ student in one school could well be the ‘top’ student in another school - so the effect on students is the same regardless of their relative ‘ability’.??


Like many, I have been reading about well-being, happiness, and belonging over the last few months. A consistent theme is gratitude: how it provides a foundation for happiness, turns what we have into enough, and helps keep things in perspective even when things are not going so well. This has led me to contemplate and explore the notion of absolute vs. relative gratitude. I like one of them; the other, not so much.

Relative gratitude, I think, is much easier to cultivate and often takes the form of:

"I have X, which is so much more than that person has, and for that, I'm grateful."


"My situation is bad, but their situation is worse, and for that, I'm grateful."

Relative gratitude, by its very nature and definition, brings a comparative element into gratitude, which steals the joy of gratitude.? And would we really want to determine our happiness in this way?? Is this how we should condition young people?

Absolute gratitude, on the other hand, is much harder to cultivate.?It requires being in a constant state of thankfulness for whatever is in your life (the good, the bad, and the ugly), as every event, circumstance, and person you encounter presents you with an opportunity to learn, grow, and?evolve.?

Absolute gratitude takes the form of "all is well," "I am blessed," "I am whole," "I am fortunate," or "I am so lucky" without regard to anyone else's lot or situation.

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Theodore (or was it Eleanor?) Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy”.?

I haven't always understood where s/he was coming from. But if we only compare ourselves to others, we may be left with feelings of inferiority or superiority—and neither is entirely desirable.? ?

That's why I don't like to hear the words, "What grade did you get?"

Mark Ellis

Deputy Head of Primary at Kings Yangon

5 个月

Couldn't agree more, comparing ourselves to the best version of ourselves and being thankful for what we have is fundamental to happiness. Making a difference from the inside out, not outside in.

Catherine Lockhart

Principal Kardinia International College

5 个月

Shifting the narrative away from grades to what have you learned and what would you like to know more about could make a positive difference to how our students view themselves and decrease stress and anxiety.

Rebecca Findlay

Head of Prep ( KLB campus)

5 个月

Thank you for sharing this insight. Really thought provoking. Also as the mother of a teenager, I see comparison killing joy in so many aspects of their life: looks, clothes, experiences… I look forward to our dinner table chat tonight and exploring absolute gratitude.

Imre Wessels

Director of Enterprise Sales at Orangeleaf Consulting

5 个月

Absolutely agree. One could use pass/fail instead of grades. What’s your take on this, Damian?


Can’t agree more! Thanks for sharing it!


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