A gracious & generous gentleman, Sidney Poitier
Dan Tsubouchi
Energy views and research incl "Energy Tidbits" Sunday memo, blogs and tweets. Follow me on Twitter @energy_tidbits
It was sad to see Sidney Poitier passed away on Friday at the age of 94. This week, I had just watched his classic film “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” in 1967. On Friday, I tweeted [LINK]? a picture I took of Sidney with my sister Lynne in June 2009 at Spago restaurant. We had taken my sister down to Beverly Hills for her 50th birthday.? Di, Lynne and I were having dinner with our friends Clint & Tamara Mitchell. Sidney was dining at the next table with some of his friends. Wolfgang Puck comes out to speak to Sidney and then stops at our table as Clint is with WME. By the way, Wolfgang was very nice.? Sidney’s group gets up to leave, Lynne grabs me as she wants to get a picture with Sidney.? By now he is about ready to walk out the door.? My tweet was "“Thank you to #SidneyPoitier for a great memory. He is leaving Spago in June 2009. we were at the next table. my sister Lynne Tsubouchi gets him at the door & asks can she have a picture with him. Sidney replies my dear, it is I who would be honored to have my picture with you.” Not only did he happily stop for a picture, he took a couple minutes to ask Lynne about herself and why someone from Toronto was in Beverly Hills for her 50th. He didn’t have to go that extra distance, but he did.? It was the best picture I have ever taken in my life. What a wonderful person to say what he did. And you can tell by the smile on his face, that he was more than happy to bring some joy to someone else’s lift. Sidney looked great and my sister looked great, especially considering she had just gone thru two cancers after 2005.? I don’t have a lot of photographs in my house, but it is one that is proudly displayed. What a wonderful person. Dan T