A Grace moment with David Robinson

A Grace moment with David Robinson

A Grace moment with David Robinson

‘Touched by God’s grace’ 1.

Amazing Grace, amazing love, amazing gift. It's the favour of God who stooped down in kindness and mercy to save and rescue broken mankind from the power of sin.

It is God in Christ dying for the ungodly, God taking our infirmities and carrying our sicknesses, God in Christ suffering rejection and being despised for the ungodly, the worst of the worst and the best among us… amazing grace that touches and every heart and heals every broken place in our lives.

Grace, Gods favour revealed in a stable among the poorest of the poor, revealed in love that reached out and touched the untouchable leper, grace that fed the hungry, delivered the demon possessed and healed all of all diseases regardless of colour class or creed. Grace that had compassion on a widow whose only son had died, grace sufficient to raise him from the dead.

We are saved by grace through faith. God loved us so much that he even give us the gift of faith to believe in his grace, his favour and his desire to rescue us all. Ephesians 2:8

You may have been abused, rejected and have spent your life wondering what you did to deserve all that the world has thrown at you, please know this they threw it at Gods Son first and more. You may have led a life and it seems as though no one cares well; Jesus went through more on your behalf.

No one suffered like this man, God made manifest in the flesh, stricken, smitten, wounded, beaten, chastised, falsely accused, imprisoned, butchered, and murdered by the very people he came to seek and to save.

Grace is the wrath of God poured out upon the innocent Lamb of God Jesus Christ because he chose to take upon himself the sin of the whole world knowing that the wages of sin is death. It was on the cross that grace and love combined to destroy the power of sin in every surrendered life, hell and the devil himself is powerless to overcome anyone who has been Born Again through a personal relationship with Christ  

A simple touch of God’s grace will cause even the biggest rogue to be accepted in Christ, grace so rich that we have forgiveness of our sins and redemption through his blood. Grace so powerful that those who are in Christ are justified as though we had never sinned… Ephesians 1:6-7, Romans 3:24

Listen; not only is God’s grace more than enough to bring forgiveness to all who believe regardless of how ungodly their lives have been. It brings his salvation, his peace, his health, his joy, his provision, his protection, his deliverance and his wholeness. 2nd Corinthians 12:9, Titus 2:11

I remember one evening talking to an elderly lady when the Lord revealed to me that she had been abused at 4 years of age by her father and an uncle. She spoke of how in her 70+ years she had never known a moment without pain. Often the Lord reveals such things to me but this time I asked for something that would not bring such horror back into her mind.  He told me to ask her who killed Jesus; she replied; ‘the Romans’ to which I replied no, ‘the Jews’ she said and again the answer was no. She continued; ‘I suppose it was my sins that killed him for he died for my sin and in my place’

I answered her saying; ‘No it was not you, it was God who killed his own Son as Isaiah said in chapter 53:4; ‘we did esteem him (Christ) stricken smitten of God and afflicted’ ‘You see it was God who loved you so much that he killed his own Son so that you would not perish but have everlasting life’

She immediately stopped weeping and whispered; ‘Oh he does love me, doesn’t he? Every pain left her body and she was free for the first time in her life. The revelation of God’s amazing grace and his love healed her of her past hurts the abuse she had suffered and all her pain. She was set free... joy flooded her soul as she was touched by God’s grace 

The very nature of God is revealed in the truth that Jesus healed all who came to him and all who were brought to him, revealed in the truth that it is not his will that any perish but that all have everlasting life’ John 3:16

He is waiting for whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord so that he can save their sin sick soul.

He is waiting with patience for you and every man woman and child in the world regardless of class creed or colour to come as they are with nothing to offer him except for faith in Jesus once for all sacrifice for their sin; I wonder do you know this man Jesus?

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Revelation 22:21  


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