A grace moment with David Robinson
'Touched by God's grace' chapter 2.

A grace moment with David Robinson

‘Touched by God’s grace’ Chapter 2

At the cross, God’s grace makes one last compassionate call to the stubborn, the neglectful and the hard-hearted who are heading for a hellish eternity… FOLLOW ME!

One arm pointing the way home, a welcome sign to the weary believer declaring; ‘be not weary in well doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not’ Galatians 6:9

Another arm pointing to a lost eternity, a warning of the impending, eternal, never ending death of the foolish and those who in madness reject Christ

God’s grace stands before every pub door saying; ‘there is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof is death’ proverbs 16:25

It stands beside every drug addict quietly declaring; ‘come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest’ Matthew 11:28 for ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love’ Jeremiah 31:3

It stands silently watching, pleading with the ungodly, the wicked, the murderer, the perverted, the liar, the unbelieving, the idolatrous and the sorcerer declaring; ‘except you repent you shall perish’ Luke 13:5

It stands beside the fearful declaring; ‘fear not’ ‘call upon me in your troubles and I will deliver you out of all your fears’ Psalm 34:4

God’s grace stands silently in every wilderness, every dark place, every moment of heaviness and depression whispering; Come unto me I will ‘give you the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and depression’ Isaiah 61:3

It stands beside every abandoned child declaring; ‘though your father and mother forsake you yet I will receive and restore you’ Psalm 27:10

Its stands alongside every weeping widow overcome by sadness and loneliness declaring; ‘I am a Father to the fatherless and to the bereaved, an advocate for the widow’ Psalm 68:5

It stands outside every hospital, every doctor’s surgery declaring ‘I am the Lord that heals you’ Exodus 15:26

One dear lady arrived for ministry with her child in her arms dying of Leukaemia, she had flown in all the way from New York after someone had sent her an article telling of the miracles God was doing through the ministry.

She had arrived at Belfast airport with no address just our two names, when she went to the taxi rank she was asked where she wanted to go and replied ‘I don’t know where all I have is these two names’ Amazingly the taxi driver asked; ‘are those the guys who heal people’

When she said yes he told her ‘I know where they live’ and he drove her and her child right to John’s door. We got together in prayer and immediately the child awakened and was totally healed when she arrived back in New York the child was found by her ‘natural doctor’ to be totally free from this cursed disease.

Grace stands outside the door of every self-help group saying; ‘I am a very present help in time of trouble’ Psalm 46:1

It stands at the bedside of every dying soul saying; ‘He that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ though he be dead yet shall he live’ John 11:25

The cross is always a place of decision, rejection or acceptance; one arm pointing to the will of men the other to the will of God.

The choice is not the Lords to make for he already made his at this same blood-stained cross of abandoned cruelty; no! the choice belongs to every individual person on this planet,… to accept or reject the man of the cross, Jesus Christ.

One thing is clear; a man would have to tramp through the blood of Christ and walk by the pleadings from the many saints of God who spoke to him of his need of salvation in order to get past the cross and into hell.

A man would have to stumble over the truth that he heard as a child, a mother’s prayer for his soul, he would have to walk carelessly over the torn pages of the bible that he himself rejected …

He would have to reject the pleading of his own dying conscience in order to escape the love of God in Christ.

A man would have to avert his eyes from seeing this blood-soaked cross and a dying saviour, he would have to deliberately close his ears to avoid hearing Christ plead with his Father one last time to ‘forgive him’ as he in his own madness passes by’

Even the blind would sense the presence of the cross before them, even they would have to either cling to it or turn from it for its all about choice…

The cross makes one last call to all who have been touched by God’s grace… WELCOME HOME!


