GRACE  (espa?ol abajo)


Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Grace is a gift from God, that we don't deserve.

I once worked in the same small community as a long time missionary.  This missionary was there for 30+ years, and knew all the tricks of the trade.  He hardly ever went home on furlough. He had church every day and quoted scripture all day, every day to anyone who would listen.  The only thing that bothered me was his church never grew beyond his own immediate family. I really respected and admired him, and didn't understand why more people didn't go.

Recently I was reminded of my 'mentor' by talking to another missionary who knew him as well.  In mentioning him, I said 'although he never grew a real church, he preached the Gospel continuously'. My friend said 'no he didn't, he showed no grace'. It hit me in the face like a bucket of cold water.  He was right! Although this old missionary quoted Bible verses wherever he went, the only thing that he said that wasn't a quote from the Bible was criticism. Suddenly I remembered the only 5 things he said to me.  He repeated himself a lot, so these 5 things things he tried (unsuccessfully) to drill into me. These were;

1. Don't trust the natives.  BUZZ!! WRONG!! UNSCRIPTURAL !!! Trust is a part of lovingly empowering others.  I LOVE the people I am serving.

2. The local catholic priest was the devil. BUZZ!  WRONG!!! UNSCRIPTURAL!!  He wasn't the devil. Even if he had problems, I still have to love him. The priest was my good friend and my jogging buddy. 

3. Giving free food was only good for creating 'rice Christians' ( people who only came to church when we were giving out food). BUZZ!  WRONG!!  UNSCRIPTURAL!! An empty belly has no ears.

4. Only help people who go to your church (he didn't have anyone coming except his family so he didn't help many people.) BUZZ!  WRONG! UNSCRIPTURAL!! No explanation necessary.

5. Don't give rides in my canoe (our main form of transportation there).  He had a huge 'NO PASSENGERS ALLOWED' sign on his canoe. BUZZ!  WRONG! UNSCRIPTURAL!! 2nd mile? Give him your cloak as well??

Although I loved this particular missionary, I was a bad mentee, and disobeyed him (until this day). I suddenly realized during this conversation that this missionary had no grace.  Faith without grace is worthless. His church had no grace. Where there is No Grace, there is No Gospel. Without God's Grace, there is No Good News. No salvation!!

My wife Winnie on the other hand is my living example of GRACE.  I AM HER MENTEE! Winnie is greatly loved and appreciated by most of the people. We have visitors and friends here continuously. Everyone from the proletaria (working class), the extremely poor, the kids we raised in our shelters, the hundreds of children we serve daily, the innocent, the staff, the students and their parents.  That, being what it may, my wife still gets crushed sometimes. She gets shunned often. She gets ignored and takes a lot criticism from many people. Even by some supposed christians and ministers of the Gospel. She gets slighted frequently by the most important people in her life. It makes her sad, and sometimes even ill (she's been having serious health problems for the past six years) but miraculously she keeps going, because she truly knows and loves Jesus.  She doesn't talk about it, she just walks it out, daily. Christianity for her isn't a short term grand and exciting short term EVENT, it's her lifestyle. Never ever have I heard her say anything unkind to or about anyone. She has never ever raised her voice, not even to me. She doesn't act Christ-Like in public only to be surly to someone who comes up to her privately (as many 'professional christians' do). My wife Winnie is full of grace, love, face  and mercy because she really does believe in God.

Without Grace there is no real Faith in God.  Without Grace there is no Peace. Like I said before, Where there is No Grace, there is No Gospel (Good News).

1 Corinthians 1:3 Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

'Grace and peace are the Siamese Twins of the Gospel, they are co-dependent on each other, but Grace has to come first, without Grace, Peace is impossible'!  as quoted by Chuck Smith in his book 'Why Grace Changes Everything'


Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters



Efesios 2: 8-9 “Porque por gracia sois salvos por la fe, y eso no de vosotros mismos; es un don de Dios, no de obras, para que nadie se jacte ".

La gracia es un regalo de Dios, algo que no merecemos.

Una vez trabajé en la misma peque?a comunidad de un misionero viejo. Este misionero estuvo allí por más de 30 a?os y conocía todos los trucos. Casi nunca se fue de vacaciones.  Tenía iglesia todos los días y citaba las Escrituras todo el día, a cualquiera que escuchara. Lo único que me molestó fue que su iglesia nunca creció más allá de su propia familia. Realmente lo respetaba y admiraba, y no entendía por qué no congregaba más gente.

Recientemente recordé a mi 'mentor' al hablar con otro misionero que también lo conocía. Al mencionarlo, le dije 'aunque nunca creció una iglesia verdadera, predicó el Evangelio continuamente'. Mi amigo dijo 'no lo hizo, no mostró gracia'. Me golpeó en la cara como un balde de agua fría. ?él estaba en lo correcto! Aunque este viejo misionero citó versos de la Biblia donde quiera que fuera, lo único que dijo que no era una cita de la Biblia fue críticando a los demás. De repente recordé las únicas 5 cosas que me dijo. Se repitió mucho, así que estas 5 cosas que trató (sin éxito) ense?ar mí. 1. No confíes en los nativos. 2. El sacerdote católico local era el diablo (el sacerdote era mi buen amigo). 3. Dar comida gratis solo era bueno para crear 'cristianos de arroz' (personas que solo venían a la iglesia cuando estábamos dando comida). 4. Solo ayude a las personas que van a su iglesia (no tenía a nadie que viniera excepto su familia, por eso no ayudó a muchas personas. 5. No dé paseos en mi canoa (nuestra principal forma de transporte allí). tenía un gran cartel de "NO SE PERMITEN PASAJEROS" en su canoa.

Yo era un mal mentoreado y lo desobedecí (hasta el día de hoy) pero me di cuenta de que en la verdad, el viejo no tenía gracia.

La fe sin gracia no tiene valor. Su iglesia no tenía gracia. Donde no hay gracia, no hay evangelio. Sin la gracia de Dios, no hay buenas noticias. ?No hay salvación!

Mi esposa Winnie, por otro lado, es mi ejemplo de GRACIA. Yo soy su mentoreado. Winnie es muy querida y apreciada por la mayoría aquí, la clase trabajadora, los extremadamente pobres, los ni?os que criamos en nuestros refugios, los cientos de ni?os que atendemos a diario, los inocentes, el personal, los estudiantes y sus padres. Sin embargo, mi esposa recibe mucho critica de muchas personas. Incluso por algunos supuestos cristianos y ministros del Evangelio. Ella es despreciada frecuentemente por las personas más importantes en su vida. La pone triste y, a veces, incluso enferma (ha estado teniendo serios problemas de salud durante los últimos seis a?os) pero milagrosamente continúa, porque realmente conoce y ama a Jesús. Ella no habla de eso, solo la viva todos los días. El cristianismo para ella no es un EVENTO grandioso y emocionante a corto plazo, es su estilo de vida. Nunca la he escuchado decir nada desagradable de nadie. Ella nunca ha levantado la voz, ni siquiera conmigo. Ella no actúa como Cristo en público solo para ser grosera con alguien que se acerca a ella en privado (como muchos 'cristianos profesionales' que conozco) Mi esposa Winnie está llena de gracia, amor y misericordia porque realmente cree Dios.

El conocimiento de la Biblia y los versículos memorizados es genial. No hay nada malo en ir a la iglesia y a la escuela dominical. ?Orar es importante! Todo es bien pero sin la Gracia de Dios (recibir algo que no merecemos) no tiene ningún valor.

Sin Gracia no hay verdadera fe en Dios. Sin gracia no hay paz.

1 Corintios 1: 3 Gracia y paz a vosotros, de Dios nuestro Padre y del Se?or Jesucristo.

"La gracia y la paz son las gemelas siamesas del Evangelio, son co-dependientes entre sí, pero la gracia tiene que ser lo primero, sin la gracia, la paz es imposible".

Dean and Winnie Peters

[email protected]

Joyfully serving the 'least of these' in Nicaragua for the glory of God

Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters


Pure Heart Children's Fund, a non-profit organization serving at-risk children


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