"Grab Your Passport & Save the Date" ...
Daniel Latto - Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads Agency
UK Based - We Help Build Brands. We Create Marketing Content / Videos / Images / Emails / Facebook Ads Campaigns / Complete Marketing Funnel Design.
Over the weekend, we gave all our Subscription Clients a FREE GIFT.
(Anyone that pays monthly for a repeating service is a subscription client)
Valued at £1,250 - we gave them access to our Business Retreat in Spain in June 2023:
Including 3 nights at the local 4 star hotel.
Including 2 evening meals.
Including a paddle surfing lesson.
Along with cocktails at the beach huts and a chance to plan out the business for the following 12 months.
All on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the June sunshine (It's a lovely 27 degrees in June here)
And we gave it to them ... completely FREE OF CHARGE.
We want the best for our valued clients, and we know that 'getting away from it all' and being able to discuss the business in an environment thats warm, inspirational and fun is an important part of business growth.
Now, I call it a retreat, but really it's a mixture of business networking, and strategy planning, but more than that it's cocktails at the beach huts, paddle surfing if you want to (first lesson is on me), good food, good company and of course we'll be working on our businesses throughout.
Now - if you want to come along ... then there are 2 ways in which you can do it.
1. Pay the £1,250, book your flights and we'll see you for cocktails the first night here's the link : https://daniellatto.co.uk/retreat
2. Sign up for any of our subscription services (Facebook Ads, Content Creation, Full Marketing Team) - and not only get your business more sales, but access the retreat for free.
There are just 2 conditions.
1. You must be an existing client at the time of the event
2. You must have been a client for at least 3 months
What do you think ... fancy it ?