We are going to the moon, that is not very far. Man has so much farther to go within himself....Chandrayaan-II "melting leadership beyond moon"?
#ISRO #Narendarmodi #Chandrayaan2 #moon #NASA #leadership

We are going to the moon, that is not very far. Man has so much farther to go within himself....Chandrayaan-II "melting leadership beyond moon"

Bold Launch Soft Landing 15 minutes of terror that makes it so complex Ambitious Nature lander & rover mid course correction as it is autonomous .I believe unlike me a proud citizen every second Indian would have had goose bumps whilst ISRO wanted to conquer moon , Frankly speaking I was truly thrilled with whole day wait for early celebrations while i truly had sleepless night as the excitements were tremendous to celebrate great moments of Joy as the Nation would have landed in global space Super Power Club .Alas it was meant to be just more than that just moment of pride .As this experience lead in winning truly Nobel prizes as on screen their was great display of Leadership at its best as entire world felt great & surprising when Leadership melted on grounds just silence spread all across with zero sound ...Heart broken confidence shaken but it helped to keep everyone stay awaken as history would have one more victory to register never mind NASA felt inspired keep moving just more ground to cover just 2.1 km left to unwind .Landing on moon failed but victory over melted leadership trailed isn't what being great consist of ?

"Broken all myth lured Leadership to Moment of Truth "All Failure yours Success is mine " step up the game as future awaits everything would be ok & Fine "

Yes it was high expectation zone /ambitious Goal however in real life world should that be in the context of Corporate world any leader would have immediately issued warrant a Show cause notice or may be set the blame Game around the failures of that Leader .Put the paper down just Resign as they believe to err you have to pay big fine & drop the crown .

When was the last time did you see leader taking responsibility for first time

But what actually happened in real time is something opposite to all above traditional styles of leaderships yes its changing times & i foresee wind of change is flowing on ,which is letting Leaders accommodate failure & be with the teams who put in their heart & souls to make things happen .I truly got inspired to put my thoughts across as i felt full of gratitude to share what our Country leader did right when ocean of emotions were rolling amidst high tide of world wide expectations on Indian ground . I believe nothing could be finer example on leadership then this live demonstration of Grit & the Guts -grit to own failure & Guts to keep moving on earth by centuries Greatest leader our honourable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi as he turned scar into upcoming Star as a leader.

"ISRO Aimed for Moon however missed yet won billion hearts of people as Star in making soon"

Lesson 1 - You are Work in Progress Its not over until you quit

Failure doesn't make your teams redundant or useless it does help you to focus on future as you carry forward lessons not people at fault .We should trust our talents and capacities; we should have faith in them," Mr Modi said. "We should feel proud of the fact that despite hindrances, there is no change in the arrival time. We should trust our talents and capacities; we should have faith in them," It's not the victory you create but the history by loosing what you make beat the defeat treating the barriers well & take charge & future to win & dictate .

Lesson 2 - Empathy is more powerful when Faith & Fearlessness at Work .

Empathy -I am With You is more powerful tool as a leader then being just their to open the gates to fate.Success looks like mirage however close you may feel yet so far .

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I lived the disappointment with you when the communication was lost earlier. I can understand the sadness on your face. NarendraModi

Lesson 3 The very "L if E " has If in it so always stay prepared for What if scenario & handle it well..

What if,if we would have won what would have happened however worst situation you might have faced keeping the Big Picture Live despite big fall is true Leaders call.

Touching down on the southernmost point of the Moon would have certainly been a great way for ISRO to kick-off its surface exploration saga. It was the success of the ISRO's maiden Mars mission (MOM) that instilled enough confidence in the team to attempt this ambitious soft landing. In the same vein, the success of Chandrayaan 2 would certainly have accelerated progress towards more complex missions to the Moon and beyond.

Your Past Success Doesn't guarantee future Win, however champion you become its all tasting water take new learnings testing patience & swim .

Lesson 4 - KISS Fear of Failure Good Bye

Everyone planned for Success more than billion eye balls were glued to satellite & TVs globally entire ISRO teams along with Nation didn't sleep as everyone prepared & were ready to celebrate success & face the challenge of winning none planned to fail, lose or stall. But, once you face that situation you stand awake & be prepared as you won’t be scared of it anymore. Despite best still got dropped thus Failure is unavoidable. Whether you try or you don’t, failure will come to you in some way or the other. At least ISRO tried worth saluting as ISRO living with a Purpose of Dreaming Big working Hard to accomplish goals no matter if you fail or loose .

There lies enough thinness in the fact that you will not fail. 

You will and once you’ll face the hardship of it, you’ll stand, contest and win because you have to.

Lesson 5 . To become an Adult you need failure to be dealt as it takes pain & patience to become developed & Mature Nation.

It looked like every thing from a distance was just inch closure but it is not until you complete the last lap with same enthusiasm as you begin Yes Failure is worth an experience which lets you learn  and explore new opportunities, which eventually make you a stronger and more mature person than before. The lessons learnt from situation as Why the fuel got leaked Why it landed the way it landed Why communication got lost Why these things were not considered are good enough to set the future course right as you reach to next phase of How to overcome this Challenge All you need is to identify the crux and gist of the same.

 Lessons 6 - It's a process that Brings Out Best in you which is yet to come so true

Success can’t be achieved overnight. Did we knew Chandrayaan II inititive started in 2007On 12 November 2007, representatives of the Russina federal space agency ISRO signed an agreement for the two agencies to work together on the Chandrayaan-2 project. ISRO would have the prime responsibility for the orbiter and rover, while Roscosmos was to provide the lander. The Indian Govt approved the mission in a meeting of the Union Cabinet , held on 18 September 2008 The design of the spacecraft was completed in August 2009, with scientists of both countries conducting a joint review.Although ISRO finalised the payload for Chandrayaan-2 per schedule,

Delays are part of game its just normal tale worth a note not blamed

The mission was postponed in January 2013 and rescheduled to 2016 because Russia was unable to develop the lander on time.Roscosmos later withdrew in wake of the failure of the  Fobos-Grunt mission to Mars, since the technical aspects connected with the Fobos-Grunt mission were also used in the lunar projects, which needed to be reviewed.

Be prepared for Withdrawal walk alone don't fall

When Russia cited its inability to provide the lander even by 2015, India decided to develop the lunar mission independently.Bad times no one stands by you if you are determined you walk alone & set your Future tone .

Good Things takes Time-While Change remains Constant stay flexible is Next to fine

The spacecraft's launch had been scheduled for March 2018, but was first delayed to April and then to October to conduct further tests on the vehicle. On 19 June 2018, after the program's fourth Comprehensive Technical Review meeting, a number of changes in configuration and landing sequence were planned for implementation, pushing the launch to the first half of 2019.Two of the lander's legs got minor damage during one of the tests in February 2019.Chandrayaan-2 launch was initially scheduled for 14 July 2019, 21:21 UTC (15 July 2019 at 02:51 IST local time), with the landing expected on 6 September 2019.However, the launch was aborted due to a technical glitch and was rescheduled.The launch occurred on 22 July 2019 at 09:13 UTC (14:43 IST) on the first operational flight of a GSLV MK III M1.

Is Wait worth the Weight ?

It is a prolonged process involving your passion, hard work, zeal and dedication along the path you have chosen. Life tests you on every turn. There are hurdles, obstacles and struggles that aren’t avoidable.You need to cross each one of them to become a winner, which is what lets your real inner potential break free.You’ll be tested inside and out during the course of the success path and it will only be you & leaders positive attitude, zing and passion of how badly you want it. If you hold the power to withstand all the unpredictable notions of life, then you’ll win. Otherwise you’ll fail.

Lesson 7 . It Takes You that extra inch efforts to reach Closer to aim to Perfection & Fame

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The primary objectives of Chandrayaan-2 are to demonstrate the ability to Soft-land on the lunar surface and operate a robotic rover on the surface. Scientific goals included studies of lunar topography , mineralogy, elemental abundance the lunar exosphere,and signatures of hydroxyl &water ice The orbiter will map the lunar surface and help to prepare 3D maps of it. The onboard radar will also map the surface while studying the water ice in the south polar region and thickness of the lunar regolith  however what ever was planned didn't materialised on the surface you fail more than once while thriving to win, then it’s, fortunately, a positive sign. The more attempts you’ll make to cross the ultimate line, the higher the chance of you building a revolutionary product.

The leadership learning here is with every failed attempt, you’ll thrive to build better. Your efforts are likely to multiply after every failed attempt. It won’t be a surprise if you manage to build an extraordinary product which becomes the first of its kind worldwide. 

Lesson 8 - It Boosts & Enhances Your Urge to Achieve more as "Yeh Dil never settled just Mange More " rest of the world around just ignore.

As of June 2019, the mission has an allocated cost of ?978 crore (approximately US$141 million) which includes ?603 crore for space segment and ?375 crore as launch costs on GSLV Mk III. however results of its being a great Success is awaited thus it indicates fail once or you fail twice; but every time you’ll be standing in the middle of a two-way road. One will be pointing you to try again even harder, while the other will be pushing you to switch to another endeavour.

"Our determination to touch the moon has become even stronger we came very close but we need to cover more ground " PM NarendraModi

Whatever may be your choice at that instant of time, your urge to achieve will be on a higher side. You’ll want to accomplish your goals, achieve your dreams and make your dream, a reality. 

Bonus Points -Being Emotional at work is not a Crime to win billion hearts when you dream & ready but loose its OK at times.

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Leadership is not at all about being just a Rock & blame washing your hands defame derail as a professional trail .Leadership stands as Being Human to all those men or women who tried but failed but found crying bit emotional, Leadership is that pat on the back to bring back enthusiasm on track .May be that Hug in kind may help roll out tears when you fail but uplift true North which is yet to be find to help hustle hard & grind .

You have ventured to places where no one went before.

I believe this is what we are trying to change in real leadership . Consider failure as a blessing rather than a curse and trust me; the world will become a better place to live in.India is truly passionate about its idea i am sure ,ISRO will find a way to cross the line.

The whole nation is proud of your handwork ISRO & its with you .

Final Take -Shoutout please do Spread share if you like Nation building Spirit to uplift ISRO to rise again & make India proud & regain its flight to Delight .

In the midst of all this chaos, you’ll realize that nothing fell apart and ISRO will emerge as brave as a warrior. soon as entire nation stands by them & in real life when you face failure you prepare & become ready to take up any challenge in your life without being afraid of failure.Now we could realise & say easily everyone fails even best of scientist have failed too (not once but quite a few times), they have also switched paths, they have also crossed a road full of barriers, but the difference they made during their journey to success was the inexorable passion for making it large, which they eventually managed to do & will achieve what they couldn't do .

Yes their is large point to ponder to help find the real reason as who stops you Why not to shine .

While we celebrate attempt to win not a failure yet, as the actual battle to find rewind read & lead just Begins ..


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