GPW # 13: Café & Networking Podcast: How Do You Market Professional Services?
Larry Easto
I Help Self-Employed Professionals Market & Grow Their Service Businesses | Marketing Coach | Author of 30+ Books & Online Video Courses | Sharing Practical Strategies for Authentic Business Growth |
So…how do you market your professional services?
That’s a question that frequently comes my way—as it did in my interview with Tom Reaoch on his Café and Networking podcast.
My almost automatic response to this question focuses on building sustainable relationships with clients. The rationale behind this tried and true approach is really quite simple.?
Success in any business, regardless of size, depends upon strong relationships between supplier and consumer.? This is true, whether the supplier is a multinational corporate entity such as Coca Cola or the life coach working out of her home around the corner.
The difference between the two relationships is the difference in nature.? Loyal Diet Coke customers have a relationship with the brand.? On the other hand, the loyal client of a life coach has a personal relationship the professional.
However, from a marketing perspective, as professionals we are our brand.?
It is our unique combination of personal attributes and professional competence that distinguishes us from other professionals who deliver similar services. This blending of individual and personal factors also defines the benefits that clients can expect from our services.
Think of it as your personal brand meeting your ideal client.? That’s when the magic happens and good things start to unfold.
Now it’s your turn: take a couple of minutes to consider my opening question:
How do you market your professional services?
Once you have answered the question to your satisfaction, check out my conversation with Tom.
Hopefully, as a result of Tom’s insightful questions and comments, you will pick up at least one practical strategy that will help you generate more new business for your service business.