GPS Tracking For Wildlife
GPS Wildlife Tracking: Innovative Tools for Monitoring Animal Movement and Behavior
When it comes to tracking animal locations, wildlife conservation experts frequently use tracking collars and other tracking technology in combination with the global positioning system (GPS) to monitor animal movement. Let’s take a closer look at how these tracking and monitoring systems for wildlife conservation work.
Let’s start with some of the tracking products that wildlife biologists and other scientists might use for tracking animal movement and animal locations, whether looking at migration pack behavior or other useful metrics for wildlife conservation science. Location data can tell scientists a great deal, and GPS and VHF radio tracking are both a big part of tracking and monitoring programs.
Ground And Aerial Tracking In Wildlife
Common tracking technology, and how it is used, include the following:
Satellite Tracking Data For A Species Of Wildlife
Some of the equipment providers wildlife conservation biologists might work with include Telemetry Solutions, Argos satellites (or Argos systems), or Cellular Tracking Technologies, among others. In each case, the scientists work with a telemetry system or GPS telemetry to track animal locations and finescale movements, picking up the signal of the animal (whether a wild dog or a grizzly bear, a birds GPS or a coyotes radio signals) to get a wealth of data that in turn helps them understand animal behavior.
In general, wildlife conservation experts rely on these technologies for tracking and monitoring location data because it helps them better understand animal behavior, including pack behavior, hunting patterns, sleep cycles, and more. Following animal movement using tracking technology can help scientists understand human impacts on various animals, as well.
For instance, until recently, it was not well understood how snowmobiles might impact wolverine populations, which was made especially tricky by the conditions of winter monitoring and both that snowmobilers often go a long way from traditional roads as well as wolverines’ large home territories. Without GPS and radio tracking, gathering the requisite and relevant data was previously largely impossible. Tracking technology in conjunction with snowmobiler surveys, however, has shown that it does not take very much snowmobile traffic to greatly disrupt wolverines, affecting both their litter sizes and hunting behaviors. As a result, an increase in only a few snowmobiles per year may make a huge difference in the health of a local wolverine population.
And GPS wildlife tracking has allowed wildlife conservation experts to help craft meaningful policy as they better understand animal movement and behavior patterns for a wide range of species—not just wolverines.
Birds GPS in particular has helped scientists understand migration routes and the importance of certain stopover points to the health of huge populations. Without tracking and monitoring—and the hard data that was enabled by tracking products—this was previously largely anecdotal suspicion.
How Does GPS Tracking Help Wildlife Research?
GPS tracking devices allow researchers to track wildlife, observe their behavior, and monitor their populations in their natural habitats. This data can be used to make informed conservation decisions and protect endangered species. (source: WWF)
What Types Of Animals Can Be Tracked With GPS Devices?
GPS trackers can be used to track a wide variety of animals, from small rodents to large mammals like the African elephant. They are particularly useful for tracking medium-sized animals that are difficult to observe in the wild. (source: Smithsonian)
How Does GPS Technology Benefit Animal Populations?
GPS technology allows researchers to collect accurate data on animal behavior, movements, and population sizes. This data can be used to inform conservation efforts and protect endangered species from human activity and habitat destruction. (source: US Fish and Wildlife Service)
How Accurate Is GPS Tracking For Animal Observation?
GPS tracking is highly accurate and can provide real-time data on animal movements. The technology allows researchers to track animals over long distances and in difficult terrain, providing a more complete picture of their behavior and habitat use. (source: National Geographic)
How Are GPS Trackers Attached To Animals?
GPS trackers can be attached to animals in several ways, including collars, harnesses, ear tags, and implanted devices. The attachment method depends on the species, size, and behavior of the animal being tracked. (source: WWF)
What Are The Limitations Of Animal Tracking With GPS Devices?
GPS tracking systems require clear access to the sky for optimal satellite signal reception. They also have a limited battery life, which can limit the amount of data that can be collected. Finally, they can be expensive to deploy and maintain. (source: Smithsonian)
How Does Transmitter Technology Help With Wildlife Research?
Transmitter technology allows researchers to remotely monitor animal behavior and movements without disturbing them in their natural habitat. This provides a more accurate picture of their behavior and helps researchers better understand their needs and requirements for survival. (source: US Fish and Wildlife Service)
Author - Ryan Horban