GPS Scores a TD!
At the very beginning of the semester we had every student take a Myers-Briggs Personality Profile Assessment and today we revealed to each individual the results of the Assessments! In Character GPS TD stands for Talents Discovered and we stand proudly on the Myers-Briggs Mat, each person standing on the square that represents their personality, and we celebrate our different personality types!
We score a "Touchdown" when we learn and celebrate our personalities!
Here are pictures from each of our four classes this week:
Our students are always excited and intrigued by this unveiling of their results. One of our students let out an audible gasp and looked at me with a big, surprised expression when she read hers! I have seen this expression before...she couldn't believe how accurate it was, almost as if we had seen into her soul but it is just the accuracy of the test.
People love to learn about themselves!
What is interesting about our four classes this semester is that we have almost all introverts which makes sense...these two Charter Schools have environments where the students work independently and so we think it attracts introverts.
Some very interesting conversations were sparked this week! One student who I will call "John" was opening up to us about how passionate he is about helping youth that have suicidal tendencies. He is helping to save lives! He has passion and compassion!
Then we revealed his Personality Profile and we found out that he is a Myers-Briggs Healer! We were excited to share with him that he is using his natural gifting to help others!
On another note, Jeff told the story of Tom Dempsey, a famous football player who was born with no toes but who also kicked the longest field goal in NFL history in 1970! That record held for 4 years! His father fashioned a special boot for him with a flat front so that he could pursue his dreams!
Upon hearing this inspirational story, a student in our class wrote down the phrase Let Your Disability Become Your Capability ! Wow! That was quite insightful and he fully grasped the meaning of this story!
"Let Your Disabilities Become Your Capablities!"
We also had some great mentoring happening:
Two great students and they are getting along very well! David is one of Seminole's star students and I will try to get him to look at my camera next time :)
They were very focused! During mentoring they are going over grades, behavior, attendance and of course bonding, sharing their feelings. Trouble shooting and goal setting is also an integral part of the mentoring experience!
Please, in you are inclined, continue your prayers for our work and our students. Some are facing homelessness, the lure of drugs, unstable attendance, health problems with parents, lots of distractions from other students etc.
The students that make it through the whole semester with us come out being true leaders in every way! When they graduate from Character GPS they are so proud of themselves as we are proud of them also! This semester we will have their mentors attend their graduation with them which will make it extra special and memorable, creating an even deeper bond!
Students need to feel connected to positive people, they need to have positive goals and they definitely need to know that there are people in their lives that genuinely care about their well being! They need a great support system! It is our goal to create this for them in whatever capacity we have.
That about sums it up for tonight! Those of us who leave it all on the field have to make sure we take care of ourselves too which includes getting enough sleep:)
We just told our student today that he needs to take care of himself and not just take care of others only, if you end up dead or in jail from drugs you won't be able to help anyone refrain from their suicidal tendencies. If they are using drugs they definitely won't want to listen to you if you are using, you won't be able to be the role model they need. He told us that he just quit weed 2 weeks ago! We can only hope that we helped influence his decision and that he sticks to it! We need people like him in our world and we definitely want him to stick around quite a bit longer!
With the influx of drugs seemingly getting worse in the schools, we have made some decisions:
Good night everyone and sweetest of dreams to you all!
Your Friends at Character GPS,
Deb & Jeff Cain