GPS Parents' Testimonials 12/23
We always ask our GPS parents to please fill out an evaluation form at the end of their child's Graduation. We evaluate each semester, always striving to improve and the evaluations help us to get grants. Not everyone will fill one out but here is a snapshot of parental comments from our combined graduations this December:
We love helping students and we can summarize from these comments that our students feel more confident, can resist bullying, become more responsible, respect themselves and others, set achievable goals and much more. We teach life skills and some have labeled us as SEL, now the buzzword is "resiliency" but we have been doing this for 12 years and recently, Bob Conigliaro, one of our great Keynote Speakers, described our program as a "System"! That resonates with us thank you Bob!!
We W
So how do we take our "System" to more schools in the future? We teach our students about having an elevator talk, a short sentence or two about what their goal in life is and that they should share their dreams and goals whenever they have the opportunity in case somebody can help them.
We plan on teaching until we are 70 and we are in our 60's now. We know we need Character GPS 2.0, a system that incorporates video components and activities that a teacher or parent could facilitate. This is not something that we can do on our own but will need help videography skills are not professional, and we will need scriptwriting and marketing etc.
So... please let us know is you have abilities, resources or ideas that could help! Maybe you can utilize your hotline to heaven to help in your own way, pray!
Thank you so much for your time reading and pondering this newsletter!
Also, we have been very busy registering students for the new Spring Semester. This year Jeff actually recruited students to sign up instead of having administrators pick names. He went to each classroom and gave a 5 minute pitch with an activity and one of our students proclaimed "Mr. Jeff should/could be a realtor, his selling skills are so great!" We did have over 40 students sign themselves up for our class at one school and over 20 at another. If you know anything about the FL DJJ (Florida Department of Juvenile Justice) which is where are grant comes from, the registration process is quite lengthy but we want to stay committed to this newsletter regardless of how busy we are!
You matter to us!
Gratefully Yours,
Deb and Jeff Cain
If you need an end of year tax deduction please donate here: