Governor Youngkin, Attorney General Miyares, and CRT at VMI
Howard Rice
Please continue to call me Gene, as everyone except LI and my 1st grade teacher has done.
Okay, I freely admit that this post and its many references is a long read. However, if you truly care about Virginia and the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), it will be well worth your time.
Many Virginians celebrated the election of Governor Youngkin and Attorney General Miyares - not least because they expected quick action to rid Virginia's public education system of the extremist racial theories espoused by the previous administration. Hope ran high when Governor Younkin's first executive order demanded that any "Use of Inherently Divisive Concepts, Including Critical Race Theory" be ended. Unfortunately, some of Virginia’s public colleges apparently continue to push extremist theories in our school policies and classrooms. VMI is one such college.
A little background.?CRT, or Critical Race Theory, and related social theories such as “Anti-Racism” (as espoused by Ibram Kendi) and Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility,” are social theories that attempt to portray American society as primarily designed to keep the white race in power and minorities, primarily blacks, subjugated, and call for the massive restructuring of our society to correct this.?A key component of these theories is that whites must be made to accept their racial guilt and actively make amends for it.?The closely related DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) push, especially the “Equity” part, calls for “equity” to be reached by realigning society’s resources to compensate subjugated races for the “inequity” built into our systems.?These theories are long on words, short on facts (I’ve read both Kendi, DiAngelo, and others), and have largely found their champions among the extreme wings of our leftist/liberal political and academic establishments.?While, like many other extreme social theories, there is merit in studying them in appropriate contexts, there is no justification for actively proselytizing them to our students as foundational facts, which they most assuredly are not.???
For more detailed discussions of CRT, et al, I strongly recommend any works by Thomas Sowell ( ), for example, or Carol Swain ( ).?Here’s a great overview of Thomas Sowell’s thoughts on CRT: .?I especially recommend almost any of Sowell’s books.
So, how does this pertain to VMI??
During his tenure as Governor, Northam made a number of critical appointments to VMI leadership and the Board of Visitors (BoV) with the expressed purpose of cleansing VMI of its “structural and systematic racism” – all perfectly aligned with CRT, et al.?These appointees have been pursuing their purpose with zeal and deadly effect.?Governor Youngkin’s recent BoV appointments have started correcting some of this, but its very little and almost too late. See .
A large number of VMI Alumni have been actively working for years against this extremist trend.?Many attempts have been made to work with the VMI Administration and the VMI Alumni Association (VMI AA) to combat this trend, but all such attempts have been rebuffed.?The Administration’s refusal to counter the trend is understandable since key leaders were appointed by Northam, his leftist/liberal VMI BoV, or hired by them.?The VMI AA’s active support of the Administration and BoV is harder to fathom, until its realized that they apparently see their primary function, not as representing the Alumni, but in soliciting Alumni funds in support of Administration dictates.?As a result, the VMI AA has alienated increasing numbers of Alumni. See and other links included below.
Carmen Villani, VMI '76, a past Honor Court President, is one of a number of Alumni who have worked diligently to engage the Administration, the VMI AA, and the BoV.?Since the last Virginia election, he and others have also been working to engage, without success, the Attorney General to investigate the inculcation of CRT themes at VMI. In March 2022, Carmen published a well documented article about this issue here: . James Bacon recently published an updated article, “A Sneak Peak at VMI’s Diversity Training,” here: .
Carmen's efforts recently culminated in a series of interviews with John Reid at WRVA radio in Richmond, VA. After his first interview, the Attorney General happened to do an interview later that week. John Reid then provided Carmen the opportunity to come back on and respond to the Attorney General's interview. Here are the links:
Carmen Villani: August 1, 2022 ( ( )
AG Jason Miyares: August 5, 2022 ( ( )
Carmen Villani: August 9, 2022 ( ( )
As can be understood from listening to the above, these efforts to engage the Attorney General on this issue - a key issue in his and Governor Youngkin's election, have been unsuccessful. In fact, in a lawsuit filed against VMI for contracting with a pro-CRT company, in which "VMI violated Virginia Procurement law in its arbitrary and capricious NOI to award the RFP for the DEI training," was defended in court by the Attorney General's office! Usually, but not always, the Attorney General’s office is required to defend state agencies in court cases.?This one, however, is a self-inflicted wound – the Attorney General should have seen this coming and acted responsibly to prevent the need for it.?See .
While the lawsuit proceeds (see ), the fact remains that the Attorney General appears intent on not following through with campaign pledges to actively eradicate CRT themes from Virginia schools.
If you've gotten this far on this post, I congratulate you!?If you find yourself asking “what can I do?”?I suggest you consider the following:
1.?????Do your own research, both as regards the underlying issues (CRT, et al) and their effect on VMI.
2.?????Engage other Alumni – there’s a lot going on, but, without VMI AA cooperation, its sometimes difficult to reach many Alumni.?
3.?????Engage recent VMI Alumni and current Cadets – find out what’s really happening in Barracks and on Post.?Subscribe and/or donate to The Cadet at
4.?????Engage (or attempt to engage) VMI Leadership and the VMI AA on these issues – ask pointed questions and demand straight, non-quibbling, answers.
5.?????Recognize that, in the end, the only way to get VMI and VMI AA attention, the only real way of affecting ongoing VMI policies, is to affect their bottom line:
a.?????Engage your elected Virginia representatives to more closely scrutinize VMI’s annual budgets to ensure CRT/DEI related funding is eliminated.
b.?????Refuse to support VMI recruiting efforts – evidence is that VMI recruiting is down and, by reducing tuition receipts, this is another way of affecting VMI funding, as well as limiting future Cadet exposure to these extreme views.
c.??????Refuse to donate to VMI until concrete steps are taken to eliminate all vestiges of CRT and its ilk from VMI.
VMI will endure, in more than just its name, but only if you care . . . and act!
Senior Project Manager - EXP - Fairfax, Virginia
2 年Is it possible for VMI to become a private institution? Then they could bring back Stonewall Jackson’s statue to its rightful place and concentrate on what he believed in; duty, honor, and military acumen and excellence.
Professional Economic Developer / Owner of MyWebsiteGuys Web Design & Marketing Company / Owner of Vision Economic Development Consulting
2 年Where to start? First critical race theory isn’t even understood by 95% of Americans. It’s a term used to divide. Minorities have as much right as the white majority in this nation. It’s one of the fundamentals of this nation that makes it so great. The reality of this is there is a pervasive and ignorant belief and fear among a minority of white people in this country who are afraid of losing control and power as they know this will be a minority majority nation by 2050 or sooner. The idea this can be stopped is ridiculous. This generation of young people know it all to be silly and stupid to argue critical race theory. Race doesn’t matter to them they’re connecting with all races around the world via the internet. There’s no need for Constitutional amendments because those freedoms in place will be just fine. And those who fear a minority majority better support and defend fairness and freedoms. The sword cuts both ways. Your denial of rights to minorities over the past 400 years will be you on the receiving end if you destroy our norms and systems of law and Justice. It’s truly sad that you’d mention no existence of systemic racism when it’s clearly been woven into the fabric of tbis nation for 400 years.
Please continue to call me Gene, as everyone except LI and my 1st grade teacher has done.
2 年Update: A 22 August WRVA interview of Larry Respess, VMI'61 on this issue - worth the listen - calls for mass resignations of VMI Leadership for failing to align to Governor's guidance:
Pilot Subject Matter Expert/Retired American Airlines Captain
2 年Excellent analysis Gene! VMI officials deny the existence of this Marxist ideology at VMI but it is quite evident that “One Corps, One VMI” doesn’t exist. The Chief Diversity Officer’s doctoral thesis (2019) is filled with references to CRT. The Youngkin administration needs to be more aggressive in dealing with these “inherently divisive concepts” taking hold at our alma mater!