The government's budget- give with one hand, take with the other

The government's budget- give with one hand, take with the other

Pensions-giving with one hand

Scraping the lifetime allowances may stop GPs, consultants, and other professional people from quitting their jobs, as many public sector workers over 55 have made out their pension contributions and could get 80% of their final pension paid on retirement. These people can further enhance their pensions now.

But a lot of NHS professionals want to leave anyway.

It still restricts the tax-free contributions limit to £60k pa, which does not help many people. You could go back the date for three years if you have not used the pension allowance in that period (£40k) and pay £140k tax-free to your pension. A sophisticated investor would use SEIS, EIS, SIRT, and VCT funds to tax shield considerably more, so the tax benefits of removing the lifetime person contribution affect very few people.

Of course, pensions may be subject to future tax raids. It's the obvious target to collect more tax, given the size of pension funds.

Entrepreneur lifetime relief, taking with the other hand

Cut from £10m to £1m in 2020. This meant capital gains tax of 10% of disposal of business shares, so you did get a £1m tax bill on a £10m share disposal instead of a £2m bill.

Your tax bill on the disposal of £10 share disposal is £1.9m, as you get a 10% rate on the first £1m of qualifying share disposal and then 20-28% on the balance of the sale.

The capital gains rate could change to your marginal tax rate ( the highest tax band), which may be 45%.

Many businesses are set up offshore to avoid capital gains taxes on selling business shares. The Ruben Brothers took £500m offshore to avoid capital gain taxes.

The Energy Price Guarantee (EPG)- Give with one hand

The cap is fundamentally flawed, as this is not granted based on need. So if you are a millionaire, you get the same amount as someone on Universal Credit.

My sister's electric bill was 3p last month.

Disability benefits - take with the other hand

Personal independence payment (PIP) separation of disability entitlements. This is already controversial enough. The government is using wording to tighten up the system further to get people back into work.

But what work? If you have disability issues, a service position is probably not manageable.

The rest is simply for headlines and makes little difference to most people.


A lovely idea, but where are the nurseries and the staff to provide this childcare?

It will get some parents back into the workforce, but only a few to fix labour shortages.

How can the country afford it? We are technically bankrupt as a country.

Leveling up

Hunt says the government plans to create a dozen new investment zones that could become “12 potential Canary Wharfs. I think the word could say everything.

According to the Office of National Statistics, the current leveling up has been in newly won Tory constituents' boroughs. This commitment is meaningless, and former investment zones have yet to work.

Enhanced research and development credits

A lot of exploitation, such as a bakery getting over £150k refund on a blueberry croissant and investigative journalism by The Times, will make getting R&D tax credits harder, so while the rate may be up to 27% of qualifying costs, these costs and the ability to access R&D tax credits has just become a lot harder.

Full capital expensing

If you buy qualifying assets in cash, you can expense them at 125% through your profit and loss account in year 1. You can not claim anything on an operating lease.

This only helps cash-rich businesses.

Nuclear power

Now classed as Environmentally sustainable, giving it access to investment incentives. I have concerns, having seen the radioactive cloud from Cherboyl come from Lapland and devastate my family's reindeer herds and land.

Hinkley Plant C is being paid for by EDF ( Fench Government owed) and Chinese investment, which means these subsidiaries are going to offshore entities.


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