The Government Network creates a decentralised borderless country based on blockchain technology
Ivan Leonov
Джон Макафи, основатель компании McAfee: Невозможно воспрепятствовать такому явлению, как биткоин. Он получит самое широкое распространение, и мир должен приспособиться к нему. Мировым правительствам придётся это сделать
The Government Network aims to create a unique nation that has no borders and operates on blockchain technology. The platform is a decentralized Autonomous organization (DAO) that operates on the basis of a progressive model that does not have centralized management and also uses progressive Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). The main goal of the project is the introduction of new technologies in the Institute of management of urgent needs of people. This idea is carried out with the use of applications that will effectively serve the immediate needs of the economy, thereby directing the development in a progressive direction. The Government Network platform will create a simple, understandable and accessible for any citizen comprehensive solution, thanks to which people can easily achieve success by using various technologies to achieve their goals.
The Government Network seeks, in fact, to create a country that has no visible borders, in the truest sense of the word. In fact, it will be a digital political structure with government functions based on decentralized blockchain technology, which will be able to create an independent nation that will work for the benefit of people. The developers of the platform point to innovations in the ways of human life management in order to respect human rights around the world, to embark on a decentralized way of conducting political procedures and to serve humanity to expand the opportunities for the realization of their talents and skills.
The developers of this project support the libertarian principles in the field of management. According to these principles, a person belongs to himself and is free to dispose of himself and his property by any means, but only if these methods do not harm other people or their property. At the same time, no other people, communities, organizations, even the state, have the right to interfere with its free non-violent activities. To implement their ideas and protect the rights of the project participants, a Constitution will be adopted, which will regulate various spheres and sectors of community life, the procedures of relations between the nation. The main law of the Government Network will be an integral part of the Constitutional Convention, which will be created through the participation of representatives of various groups of qualified specialists from various fields of human life, such as businessmen, scientists, humanists, human rights activists and others. The constitutional Convention will be written by the organizers and the very first citizens, and then put to the General vote of the whole community. In this case, the phase of the token sale the opportunity to purchase early citizenship.
An important approach to the implementation of this project is the voluntary participation of citizens in the digital world of the Government Network. Every citizen has the right to self-realization, using the latest technology. Transparent and decentralized applications will be released to implement citizen participation programs and build the economic structure of the platform community. A reliable, secure and simplified system of identification based on decentralized solutions will be launched to distribute the role of each participant of the platform, to protect against identity theft and illegal actions. This will be the first step in implementing the functioning of the economy of the Government Network. In addition, it is used to create the necessary conditions for personal and professional success in a trusting environment. The principles that implement a reliable and sustainable financial system that offers quality escrow services are being implemented. In addition, an advanced judicial system will be created with the support of arbitration courts, Higher courts for management and protection of ecosystem principles through the use of intellectual contracts. Developers will encourage participants to conduct business activities, thereby contributing to the growth of the number of citizens for whom it will be important to create new decentralized applications through the created set of APIs (application programming interface). Thus, where through the implementation of escrow services, arbitration, the creation of a physical identifier and payment cards with cryptocurrency support, as well as the use of its own internal currency platform that will guarantee stability, liquidity and availability, a platform for the implementation of the most ambitious plans of people of different cultures, specializations, gender, age, religion, nationality and other things.
The platform's economy will be based on the use of two types of tokens. The platform's direct token will be Nation (NTN). This is a stable coin that will be traded on the internal exchange of the Government Network. This coin will be used to trade and execute transactions within the network. The cost of this token is equal to 1 us dollar, which is fixed by a cash reserve of 85% of its price. The Government Token (GOVT) is sold at the time of this writing during the CrowdSale procedure. GOVT will be used to manage some elements of the system, and soon, as the platform grows, a special mechanism for exchanging GOVT tokens for NTN tokens at the rate of 1 GOVT = 100 NTN will be developed. After CrowdSale within 30 days GOVT will be published on the exchanges for free trade.
It is worth noting that the international Covenant on civil and political rights, adopted in 1966 and entered into force in 1976, enshrines the right of all peoples of the world to self-determination and the freedom to choose their political status. The Government Network creates all conditions for the implementation of the ideas laid down in this Pact. The first investors of the project will be able to become pioneers in creating a system for management without borders, participate in the creation of a Constitutional Convention and join a free decentralized country as a citizen or volunteer.
ventas en cigarrera bigott
5 年A great program that goes outside of your own country helps people outside your border working with de-centralized and serious platforms.
Estudiante en Universidad de Carabobo
5 年It's funny, because I'm not particularly used to seeing that the government takes into account the current technology to improve in some way
Sales Associate – FD Handelsbedrijf/Frandy
5 年Well, it is immediately obvious that you honestly want to help people, I approve of this. It’s good that there are honest and intelligent people like you
Studious and prominent in the area of digital money movement.
5 年It is interesting to talk about this issue of great importance for nations in the face of the need to create new technologies where all kinds of people participate without political or geographical limits, putting technology as an intermediary to perform our daily tasks and tasks, in an independent country and people independent of any regional or political limit, being free to be able to use the means of technology and advances nowadays.