Gove turns on manufacturers | Stockpile caused wall collapse | YORbuild3 medium winners
Housing developers have agreed a deal with the government to stump up £5bn to address the building safety scandal but manufacturers are still stalling.
A Yorkshire building company has been ordered to pay more than £30,000 after part of a wall collapsed on one of its sites, hospitalising an eight-year-old girl.
A team led by Siemens Bam has made a start on the main platform for SSEN Transmission’s new electricity substation in rural Perthshire.
Leslie Jones Architecture (LJA) has submitted plans to redevelop Glasgow’s St Enoch shopping centre to have a mix of retail, leisure, entertainment, offices and hospitality.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund has awarded a £4m grant for the restoration of historic glasshouses at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE).
Structural steelwork group Billington has had to write off more than a million pounds after the collapse of a main contractor client.
Building products supplier Marshalls has promoted its operations director to the board and given its HR director a bigger job.
Stornoway Port Authority has appointed McLaughlin & Harvey to build its new multi-purpose deep water terminal.
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) has begun an inspection programme to assess the condition of heritage sites around the country following concerns about decaying masonry.
Public sector procurement agency YORbuild has selected 16 contractors for its third generation medium works frameworks.
Glencar Construction has been awarded a contract to erect 155,000 sq ft of industrial and distribution space in Croydon.
Mac-Group has started work on the construction of a £5m classroom block at Joseph Chamberlain College in Birmingham.
A range of electrically driven track-mounted stone crushers and screens is in development in Finland by Metso Outotec.
A consortium of Ferrovial and two Spie Batignolles companies has won a rail construction contract worth €438m (£366m) in Paris, France.