Is safe for booking flights?
Is safe for booking flights?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO
How to get a car title loan without a job?
I live in the Philadelphia area, is there anywhere around here or online that I could get a loan for $3000 using my car as collateral? I drive a 1999 Mustang GT convertible in perfect condition, valued at about 6000-7000 dollars. I am unemployed, so currently no source of income. Is it even possible for me to get a loan from somewhere?"
Is monotoring your credit score a must?
Like should u buy a think and watch it every month. if so i was thinking of this company. think its woth it?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Is a credit score of 717 considered a good score?
Good enough to get a auto loan or possibly a home loan? I have only had credit cards for almost 2 years.
What is the best quick loans?
Im trying to get credit and need money fast but i cant seem to get any type of card?
"I'm 50,000 dollars in debt, is there a way to get a loan w/ bad credit?"
I am over 50 grand in debt and I have horrible credit. If there was a way for me to get a loan to consolidate and pay all my bills off, I could just make one payment and that would at least get me out of debt so that I could make one payment to pay off loan. Why won't anybody give me a loan and what can I do about my huge debt?"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
I just ordered my credit report from Facts Act?
I ordered all 3 of them through them on the phone, will all 3 still come with dispute forms so I can dispute inquries? Like you can online? Or am I going to have to send a letter to all the companies with the order numer and dispute through them? Or should I do both, my online credit report which I paid 30 bucks for and only got two reports say I have 8 inquries that were used to determine my score over the last 6 months, but there were I counted 28 of them. Some of these I did make, but some of them are on there twice from the same company, some of them are from the same day, I was under the impression that auto loans and such made within two weeks of each other counts as one."
Is it possible to get a car title loan refinanced?
I took out a title loan on my car a couple months ago and they gave me ridiculous interest rate (80%!), probably because I'm only 19 and have no credit but still. I've made 2 payments so far, and am about to make a third. Is it possible to get this loan refinanced through another company so I can have a lower interest rate? I'm not sure how it works with title loans because I'm not sure if they fall into the same category as an actual auto loan"". My loan agreement says there is no fees for early payoff"
My credit report combined my mother and I?
Hello I'm 22 years old and I just checked my credit report and discovered that my mothers information and my information has been combined. It includes delinquent and open accounts from before I was born or before I turned 18. (The only account I should have are my student loans) My credit score is in the 500's because of this. I called Experian and left a message and I'm hoping they'll get back to me. I don't know what to do. I'm really upset about this how could they make such as big mistake considering we have 2 different SS numbers? If this gets corrected will my credit score be repaired?
Anyone know any loan shark phone num in singapore??? thank!!!?
Anyone know any loan shark phone num in singapore??? thank!!!?
What happens if you can't payback a payday loan from Amscot in Florida?
Do I call them to make payment arrangements? Will they cash the check and I'll be left with a negative balance and overdraft charges?
What type of loan should I get? My car is broken down...?
Okay I owe 6200 on my car and now it needs a new transmission for $2000. Should I get a line of credit on my house for the amount (13.5% interest) and i can deduct the interest at tax time, or should I just refinance my auto loan? The interest on that is 9% and I can't deduct the interest."
Do I have to pay my mortgage late fee?
I had my mortgage getting auto-payed through my online banking, but the mortgage company increased the amount of my mortgage by like $15 and I didn't see it. So as it goes, every months payment was considered late due to how they apply your payments. I now have about $600 in late fees. Do I have to pay these? Is this going to kill my credit. Thanks for any advice :)"
Can anyone give me advice about our house in Bankruptcy?
We went bankrupt in November 2010, moved out of our mortgaged home, and moved into rented accommodation.. We owned a property (mortgaged) which had a 75K mortgage and also we had a 30K secured loan and 50K UNsecured debt. Just recently, one house near our old house, went for 105K, so the most it will get (at auction probably) is about 90K. So we went bankrupt and the receivers contacted us to see what assets we have - we have none, except for the house. We haven't been back to the house since, and didn't have our mail redirected as we have informed anyone of any importance about our new address. Well, I phoned the receivers today to ask if they have let the creditors know yet, (because at 12 Jan 2011 they hadn't..) and they said yes they informed them and sent a report of our debts and other creditors on 18 Jan. Then this girl said, 'your unsecured debtors (we had 50K unsecured debt) will know there's little point in trying to you, but the mortgage company will need to contact you and know your 'current' address, because they will need to issue a repossession order,,,' I am utterly baffled, as when we spoke to the receivers in November, (AND the court too,) they both informed us that the receivers would deal with everything, and that the creditors will need to go to the receivers for any assets we have. This is how bankruptcy works surely.???? And now this girl tell us that we should have contacted the mortgage company voluntarily, because the creditors 'only let the creditors know the person is bankrupt,' and because there is little equity, they don't take the house themselves, they just leave it up to the mortgage company to reposses it at their leisure. So apparently, we are supposed to work with the mortgage company through the repossession. !!! But why on earth should *we* have to let them know our new address so they can badger us here, ?? Surely they can repossess it without us. I was under the distinct impression from the court and from the receivers (at the start) that once we go bankrupt, it's out of our hands. and now 3 months on, one girl at the receivers office is saying that we should have contacted the mortgage company so we can help in the repossession process! Well excuse me, but we did pay the receivers 900 (450 each) to do this job for us, and what would happen if we had buggared off and just abandoned the house like a lot of people do? Surely the repossession can go ahead without us? Can anyone advise? I am super reluctant to contact the mortgage company and see no reason why they can't simply repossess without us. And I am particularly pissed off that the receivers AND the court said it's out of our hands and we need to do NOTHING, as declaring ourselves bankrupt freed us of the debt (and the assets of course..) and now this girl today has said we should inform the mortgage company of our new address, or the repossession order will take many months, as they 'need our signatures...' for the repossession order to go through swiftly. For one, why only say this now? And what happens if someone abandons a property? Should we just leave it and wait for them to repossess without us?"
Can U pay Credit card bill using another credit card?
Any banks are offering such service?
How do I find the addresses of my creditors?
The free credit report that I get once a year doesn't display some of my creditor's contact info. How am I supposed to pay them if I don't know their address or phone number?
"How can I put a fake"" credit card numbers into a website but that I won't use to buy stuff?""
I'm not a hacker or a scammer and don't want to steal any money.. I want to get into this website but it needs a credit card number and the card holders name.. I don't own a credit card so I can't do it.. Are there any fake credit card numbers and names that I can use to have access to this site.. There is no entry fee or any fee at all
"Can i be forced to sell my home, if my co-signer files for bankruptcy 7 yrs. later?"
Can i be forced to sell my home, if my co-signer files for bankruptcy 7 yrs. later?"
Pay off my credit card balance every month?
Is it true that if you pay off your credit card balance sooner than 3 months, it doesn't get reported to the credit agencies? I pay off my balance every month. Does that mean it's not getting reported to the bureaus?"
"How much does it cost to file ch. 7 bankruptcy, appx?"
How much does it cost to file ch. 7 bankruptcy, appx?"
Can a credit card company charge an annual fee at activation?
Is safe for booking flights?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO
"Has anyone e
What is a car down payment?
I have been looking at getting a used car from a dealership and have been asked by all of them how much I would like to put down on a car. So I was just wondering what exactly does a down payment do? When one pays a down payment are they then required to pay the first months payment on the car to drive it off of the lot or is the down payment enough to allow said person to drive the car off the lot?
About my credit report?
I just went online for my credit report and there are a few things listed from companies I don't recognize. How do I request more information so I know wether or not to dispute the claim? I don't recognize the company, or the amount that I supposedly owe so I'd like to investigate it a bit."
Does anyone know if Tower Loan is a good place to work?
I applied to for a job with them and they called and left a voicemail for me to call them back but before I did, I just wanted to know if anyone has any experience working there. I know they offer great benefits, but I looked on and there's 46 complaints about them. Any advice is helpful and I just wanted to gauge people's opinion before calling them back. Thanks."
Would the bankruptcy be a good opption?? would they even grant me one why or why not?
I am in a hole and I cant get out!!! I am a single parent that does not get child support I make about $890 every 2 wks, being garnished now for 1600 I have to pay my previous apt $200 a month $4000 balance,another bill $2300,$2359 and other bills i owe that total about $1900 I also pay 550 a month rent. Would they grant me a bk why or why not? I dont have a property or car that I am trying to keep just alot of bad debt that I want to get rid of for a fresh start..."
Free copy of my credit report?
HiId like to know where exactly i can get free copy of my credit report? I heard we can get our reports for free, and was wondering where exactly."
Is it a good idea to get the free credit reports? Yahoo has one on there mail page...?
for a free credit report for whatever 30 days or the small print is. Is it smart to get this a few times in 30 days then cancel the service? Does this hurt your credit rating? We have great credit but we have not looked at it in over a year so I want to make sure we are still in the excellent credit zone"". Thanks!!!"""
Can i get a loan in ireland if im unemployed?
Can i get a loan in ireland if im unemployed?
Can I file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy without a lawyer?
I was wondering if I could file for Chapter 7 without a lawyer. If so, what are the costs?"
Which artery is best for checking your pulse?
carotid artery brachial artery femoral artery tibial artery
How much will be my monthly mortgage payment if I'm buying a 135K house in NC?
I'm getting a 135K home with 3.35% rate, no money down since we were pre-approved for 100%USDA loan (house is really close to a small city though so it's good, not in the middle of nowhere) I'm not good at doing math so how much do you think are we paying every month for this house?"
Does anyone know where I can get my credit score for free?
Does anyone know where I can get my credit score for free?
PayDay Loans have buried me!?
I think these companies are complete rip-offs, but I still borrowed the money, therefore...I am going to pay it back. I think closing my bank account is a cowards way out, I got myself into this, I found them, they did'nt find me. I defaulted on one because they had my paydays wrong and tried to withdraw two days early. Well they called me and have set up some more acceptable payment plans. If I can't find a decent consolidation plan, I think that may be the best bet."
If I file for bankruptcy will the court take my stepsons car?
And what about his college fund? My wife was married before and in her 2000 divorce settlement it said that the account with $5000 in it was the kids college fund, so they are jointly on it and the agreement said when boy turns 18 it would get transferred to him for college... She would have transferred it to her son 8 years ago but the ex won't sign off on it until her son turns 18- at least that's what it said in the divorce settlement..."
I have a wells fargo auto loan and I signed up for the secondary insurance. Anyone know the name and number?
I have a wells fargo auto loan and I signed up for the secondary insurance. Anyone know the name and number?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
29.9 % APR credit card rate?
if I take another 6 months to pay it off?
Foreclosure after bankruptcy?
My husband and I filed chapter 13 in Nov of 2009. Even with the bankruptcy we are struggling to make the payments. We have acquired medical bills, and other unexpected expenses. My son will be 16 in a couple of months and our auto insurance will increase by 250.00 a month, not to mention the gradual increase in our utility cost, food expenses and fuel expenses. I work full time and attend school part time in hopes of maybe having a better paying job in about 3 or 4 years. My husband works in construction and the pace he has to work to stay on top of the bills has taken an enormous toll on his health. Now the last of the highest employing company in our town has be purchased by another company and plan on cut backs. We are struggling to make ends meet. We have decided to allow our home to go into forclosure and rent something more affordable. Can we do this through the bankruptcy and change our filing status to 7 or should we just mail the keys to the mortgage company and walk away."
How often/how many times do mortgage lenders verify employment?
I'm applying for a mortgage with my fiancee and are planning on signing the contract tomorrow. From my understanding some lenders only look at W-2s and paystubs while others will call or send a VOE to the employer. Some sites say that it's only done when the paperwork is first filed and others say that it's also done right before closing to verify you're still employed. I want to switch jobs ASAP (due to sexual harassment that isn't being addressed properly) but do not want to jeopardize getting the mortgage. Is it actually common practice to check right before closing? Would the lender or mortgage broker be able to tell you if the lender does or not? I have a steady employment history. My fiancee pre-qualified for much more than the house we're looking at appraised for so I don't know if maybe it'd be better for him to apply on his own or if my employment would have a huge impact on the situation or not since he makes so much. The only problem with that is that the down payment money is in my bank account and I don't know if it'd look fishy if he suddenly had a 40k deposit. Please don't answer this if you don't have either professional or personal experience. If you're just googling the subject and spitting out what you read to me it doesn't help at all. He makes 100k a year and I make 43k currently. The house is 195k.
Is it better to apply for a personal or auto loan online or in person?
Is it better to apply for a personal or auto loan online or in person?
How to get a loan quick?
How can i get a payday loan quick?
What is the best prepaid debit card ?
And where would you get them like walmart has only 6-7 selections
Can i take a home loan from a different city?
Hi, I am looking to buy a house in Kolkata (out-skirts). I currently live in gurgaon. The private banks here are saying that they cannot give the loan in that location. However, I know that banks like sbi, Overseas bank source the loans there. so when i went there i was told to contact the kolkatta bbranch instead of the ones in gurgaon. can i get a loan in a kolkatta branch even if i am residing in gurgaon?"
What is the best free credit check to go with online and get instant results?immediate answeres.please.?
I need to buy an at&t phone and I will need to know my credit report check .so, I will know what I may be paying for a deposit? NO smart *** remarks,please. This is important."
Are free credit reporting services online safe ? Could you recommend some good ones for Canadians?
Thank you so very much for your time and effort. God bless you and your loved ones.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Is safe for booking flights?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFOver took out to many payday loans, and had trouble paying them back? If so what did you do?"
Has anyone ever took out to many payday loans, and had trouble paying them back? If so what did you do?"