Zakaria Kouloughli
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In earlier articles, I stressed the importance of drinking good water systematically1, daily, to bring the level of salt to an acceptable range. That as a rule of thumb, to watch one’s urine color and make sure to keep it pale, clear, or almost clear. To illustrate the importance of drinking good water, presented are the following stories.
Two weeks ago, a friend called me from Paris; he was not well at all, I could see it on video camera. His face aged easily 10 years. He informed me while he thought he was through with his prostate cancer episode; he recently began to have other pains in different parts of the body. A visit to his physician followed by a series of analyses pointed to a renal tumor. To confirm the diagnosis, his doctor ordered a biopsy (examination of cell tissue). My friend panicked, fearing the worst, called me up for some peace of mind. During the conversation, I asked him: “How much water do you drink a day?” He retorted: “There lies my problem; I do not drink much water at all.”
This is an example of someone whose kidneys were congested and were not able to properly evacuate the toxins.
Ten days ago, a client contacted me, complaining of nerve pain, muscle pain, and back bone pain. I asked her the same question “how much water do you drink?” She answered “quite a bit.” Then she added: “you know, when I think of it, I think I am over doing it. Actually I think I drink a little too much water.” Upon hearing that, I retorted: “great, how does your urine look like usually? ” she answered “like beer.”
We are not going to engage in a lengthy discussion on all the colors beers come in, but it is fair to say her urine was brown and foamy. If we go with this depiction, then this is definitely a profile of someone who “thinks she drinks water, but in reality she does not.” Many people are under the impression that when they drink a couple of bottles of water a day, they had their share of water for that day, but body cleansing does not work like this. Water must be drank systematically. I performed a urine/saliva test; and the results confirmed her salt level was very high; which explained why she was having pains in certain areas of her body including the nerves.
A third and final example is that of another client who contacted me four weeks ago informing me his lung cancer was reoccurring. His physician informed him that due to his cardiovascular problem, his heart may not withstand chemotherapy and proposed other allopathic therapies. However, the client entertained a natural way to get through his illness ordeals and therefore contacted me for advice on a potential therapy. I run a test analysis, and could tell from the results the client does not drink much water. I recommended a three-day water wash2 and requested he come see me on the fourth day for another test. At that, my client said: “Doc, I cannot drink water, I just can’t stand it.”
This is true, there are a lot of people who can’t stand the taste of water, but they can always mask the taste by adding lemon juice or a fruit flavor. Drinking good water is crucial to lowering the level of salt to maintain a healthy heart and a healthy body.
1Systematically: Methodically. Example: 4oz of water every hour on the hour.
“It is not how much salt you put in your food but how much salt the body retains that counts.”
Dr. Zakaria Kouloughli, ND is an Engineer and Doctor of Naturopathy specializing in Bio-Electric Testing, a technique which pinpoints and addresses the root-cause of disease. Dr. Zak is developing a heart health device which enables people to monitor and restore heart health from the comfort of their homes. Dr. Zak shares simple heart health tips for vibrant long life on his weekly article “Heart 2 Heart”. For more information, go to
Contributors: Medical review: Dr. Ismail Kaddour-Djebbar, MD. - Text Review & Editing: Kathryn Mullen