It got us talking

It got us talking

On Saturday, the world of rugby rolled out a head-turning new identity for the Six Nations…or should I say M6N. In a bold move, the powers that be decided it was high time to spice things up and aim at wooing a younger and more diverse crowd.

The rather shite rugby ball, shaped like a six, adorned in the hues of all the competing nations has been kicked into touch. In its place? A very bold new look... and dare we even say—disruptive.

Unsurprisingly everyone's had their say from Reddit's design critics to The Telegraph's high-brows. Reactions ranged from "Was this designed by The Apprentice design team" (ha ha!) to comparisons with everything from Hot Wheels to Mars (give me some of what they're smoking) to an 80s Australian sports news channel. Or my favourite, that leaves little room for ambiguity, “It’s f*^king s**t. Could make that in Microsoft Paint in about 5mins”. And get this, some rugby fans are even ‘angry’. Sensitive lot.

We humans are creatures of habit, and change isn't something we always roll out the welcome mat for. To dismiss outright would be ignoring the bigger picture.

Cast your minds back to the hoo-ha that surrounded the London 2012 logo. Remember? The one that looked like it was whipped up as part of a well-meaning, yet slightly off-the mark school project. It shocked. It broke the mould of "oh, another forgettable Olympics logo". Yet it became heart & soul of something else. It captured the spirit, the energy, those tireless volunteers, and yes that unforgettable 44 minutes of UK sporting history with Jessica Ennis-Hill, Greg Rutherford, and Mo Farah grabbing gold.

And whilst we’re at it, let’s talk about Jaguar. They can no longer rely on being a bastion of British motoring elegance. They are hitting the accelerator towards an electric future and need to change perceptions, steering clear from its traditional image of Alan Partridge types in string back driving gloves jumping in the 'Jaaaag'.

The bottom line when it comes to branding - the logo is just one piece of the puzzle. Isolated, yes, it might not always click. Build the brand around it and it comes alive.

So, while high-profile rebrands take up column inches, stir the pot and generate debate, aren't they (to quote Roy Keane) 'doing their job'? All publicity is good publicity right? Whether you love it or hate it, successful branding requires time to unfold and prove its worth.

We can be too quick to judge, and definitely too quick to bash the keyboard. Should brands, in a world of following the well trodden path, not be given kudos for being bold, shaking things up and being a symbol of change?

Who knows, we might just grow to love these changes, recognising their savvy in attracting a new audience. Time will tell whether they make or break, but for now, the debate rages on, and that, is the beauty branding.

Reddit credit:


