Got a tough decision to make? The one simple thing that crabs can teach us.
Caspar Craven
Leading Authority on the Mindset needed to Achieve Big Bold Goals through effective Leadership and Teamwork
In my teens, I was a commercial fisherman.
I ran a boat catching and selling crabs. (I had a lot of jokes about that).
You may not know this but every few years, a crab sheds it’s shell.
It’s outgrown the hard shell.
It needs to shed that shell.
Underneath that hard shell is a soft shell which takes time to harden up.
It does of course and the crab grows into it until it the next time it needs to shed it’s shell and grow again.
I’ll get to the point.
The shell that we all have is the identity and story we carry about ourselves.
Do you have the same story and identity you had 20 years ago?
Or have you shed a shell or two and grown.
A personal story.
In 2012 I had to shed a shell.
We’d made a decision to sail round the world.
I’d asked myself the question “How do I create a business that can run without me”
That question really challenged me.
Because I had to break out of my world as an entrepreneur who was good at Marketing and Finance.
It meant I needed to develop new skills.
AND most importantly a NEW STORY of who I was.
I had to let go of old labels.
And create new ones.
That was both scary and empowering.
Looking back.
Without questions. The best business decision I have ever made.
To shed one shell and grow into another one.
If you are ready to shed your shell and grow into the next one.
Come and join me on this webinar next week.
I’ve got your back.
I know what it takes to help shed that shell and turn soft shell into hard shell.
If you are ready to take the next step, come join us next week> we have 2 options:
Mon 1st Oct at 1pm -
Weds 3rd Oct at 8pm -