Got something to say about testing to the Agile community? Submit a talk to the Agile 2019 Quality and Testing track!
We test.
From the moment an idea is derived, the plan and approach of how to test it has already begun. Going beyond the idea of merely approaching code as testers – tasked with preparing software for delivery, we approach testing as modern day technologists; reigning in process, testing, tooling and enhancing communication under the same keen eye of quality.
We test to uncover risks that have potential to hinder the value of our software. We test to identify foibles in the process we take to deploy products. As modern day testers, we are always looking for ways to amplify human skills in light of being specialists called to help perfect the creation of software.
It is this reason we come together as technology professionals. To share stories of successes, losses, and gems of learning. As we join, we recognise commonalities and opportunities in:
- Exploring Concepts Within Modern Testing,
- The Importance of Testing in DevOps,
- Use of Automation within our Testing,
- The Psychology that Ideates Testing,
- AI and ML as a Tool in Testing, and
- The Cognitive Association of Software Testing: A Human Touch.
These topics are becoming growingly prevalent within the world of software. This has created an ample opportunity and importance for testers to learn about these concepts and create a process to introduce them into their work.
With all this in mind, we would like to invite you to bring your stories, ideas, and exercises to the table at this year’s Agile 2019 conference. Let’s explore how we can create an atmosphere of learning from talks and workshops on how you learned and incorporated these modernities within your agile teams and workplaces.
What does it mean to be a Modern Tester? Can we test in DevOps? Is automation the sole support we have for testing? Or, does it also assist your exploration? Do we use AI and ML to assist us in avenues unturned? How does your human touch fortify testing? And last note, how important are concepts of psychology within your testing?
These are questions that are wracking technologists’ brains, often! So let’s discuss! Come and share your stories. Submit your proposal for a talk or workshop, today! (Our fantastic reviewers are also here to offer feedback and support throughout the submission process to help you shape your submission to be the best it can be.
The Quality & Testing track at Agile 2019 is accepting submissions. We want to hear about your stories and lessons. We want the conference attendees to have an awesome experience learning from the great talks and workshops containing your stories and lessons. Submit them NOW!
For more information detailing the process for submitting your session, see here: