Got Self-Love?
I’ve been in several interviews the past few months. In each interview I’m asked, “How do you practice self-care?” After my last interview, between home renovating, driving 28 hours, managing my home/relationships, and attending accountability groups I had less love for myself and others. I was prompted to ask myself, when was the last time I showed myself unconditional love? At times I still struggle with the unproductive thought, "I'll start loving myself better when..."
?Mark 12:31 NIV says, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. ?If your family, neighbors, coworkers share feelings of discomfort, do you know how to love yourself the moment they attempt to resolve it? After that week I had to accept my current season, and my community supporters’ promptings as an act of love. Once I was able to do this I found more joy and space for others. My responses changed and I felt the dynamics shift from hesitancy or defensiveness to acceptance. Today, I am able to show love by listening to a friend, being open to feedback, gaining expertise from new resources and continued accountability.