Got an ounce of bounce left?
I sure don’t! We’ve had tech issues, equipment issues, and challenges galore. I could say that “my get up and go has got up and gone” and it would be how I feel.
And I know that I need to keep going making any little step of progress I can. Persistence is a major contributor to success. Persistence, leaning into the yoke of work, takes effort and willingness to experience the strain that comes with that.
How do you refresh yourself after that? Do you collapse into a shower or bath or recliner? Pop a top on a cold drink? If you’re in an organization, think about how you can help employees refresh in ways that are lower risk--identify their “love language” for work and reward them accordingly.
At home? Yeah, it still works there, too. You know what helps you feel happier and refreshed--build it in when you know you have a long stretch of hard work.
Me? I’m headed to the garden, in the middle of the night, to just listen. That’ll help me to get a little bounce to my ounce.