Got it like that
You can learn something from everyone you meet, all of it will be good for you, as long as you pay attention to how to apply it. The real lessons come from the teachers "Who Got it like that"
I have worked and played with a lot people in my life, there are a few that stand out, that just had a special something, an inner peace and connection to their craft or life, that allowed them to push aside their egos, and have an air of confidence that was contagious.
They had the ability to communicate their vision in a way that removed barriers, or confrontation, I knew they had the gift, and I wanted a piece of it, they were teachers in the purest sense, It was always about the result, it was never personal, and I saw that they walked the walk, most listened more than they spoke, but when they spoke I listened, the ones that spoke a lot, dropped jewels every few seconds or minutes and inspired you to think more deeply, those are the lessons that have formed me.
I am in constant search for the teachers "Who's Got it like that" They don't even realize that they teach, they just share their experience's freely, some of them have the title of a teacher, but you always get more.
I recently contacted one of them, and thank them for their influence and told them what it meant to me, It was a little awkward, because these special people don't look to be recognized, they appreciate it, but it is not their driving force.
Keep your eyes and ears open for those "Who Got it like that"