Got Excuses?
Have you ever caught yourself saying you wanted to accomplish something but then immediately follow that thought up with an excuse as to why you won’t? If we all dug deep and really thought about that question, I am sure we are all guilty. I know I am. That “something” could be as simple as mowing the lawn… cleaning the house… sending the email… you get the idea. At the time, it seems much easier to find an excuse to do it later.?
What if I told you that those excuses are what is holding you back from achieving your goals??
Would you believe me??
Better yet, would you give me another excuse as to why your goals “really” haven’t been met??
It is easy to scroll through social media or view profiles on LinkedIn and think about how “lucky” these people who we view as successful are.?
Their success is not luck.?
Their success is from doing what the other ninety-eight percent of people wouldn’t do.
Their success is from NOT making excuses but rather using that energy to take ACTION.?
For this week, I challenge you to go to Google and type in “quotes about excuses.” Next, click Images and start reading. Eventually, you should come across a quote that speaks to you. This is the quote I want you to either print out or write on a piece of paper and hang it where you will see it every single day. Heck, you could even screenshot it and set it as your lock or home screen. Now, the next time you try to make an excuse read the quote. My hope is that the words mixed with your desire will motivate you to take action and avoid the excuse.?
“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -Benjamin Franklin
“Excuses are lies wrapped up in reasons.” - Howard Wright
“Sorry I can’t today. My sister’s friend’s mother’s grandpa’s brother’s grandson’s uncle’s fish died, and yes, it was tragic.” - Unknown
Okay, that last one was included mostly because it made me laugh. In all reality, though, most of the excuses given are silly.?
“I don’t have enough money.” Nor did I. In fact, I slept in my truck and ate canned food and ramen noodles to pay for Facebook Ads to build brand awareness. What sacrifices are you making or would you rather just complain??
“I’m tired.” Cool, me too, but that didn’t stop me from waking up this morning to work out and start my day.?
Though the list can go on, this is the last one, and my favorite, “I don’t have enough time.” I will leave it with a quote from Grant Cardone, “Make time, not excuses.” We all have the same twenty-four hours each day.