The issue is not in our intent but in our misunderstanding. For many, a good person is found in contradiction arguing against what it is they do without awareness. This is the issue at hand with gossip. Gossip is defined as, “a casual or unconstrained conversation about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.” In this definition we must first properly understand the first sentence to understand gossip. “A casual or unconstrained conversation” about another no matter the value is a form of gossip. The premise behind this claim is proven by the expounding upon the case that an outside force is “this or that.” If in any circumstance a party finds it satisfactory to discuss another party when they are not there during a period of time without reconciling their plight with them, they are gossiping regardless of their conscious intent. It does not matter if this party is opposed to gossip or not, they are gossiping if they have not confronted those they are conversing about. The second part of the definition says, “typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.” The contradiction in the statement is truth, why? Because the truth is based on both parties and is unsettled without trial. Justice has diminishing returns and regardless of victory there is a cost. Where attention goes, energy flows and alas, if our party at hand is not confronting those they discuss, then through their lack of awareness they are gossiping and this the contradiction at hand. Remember, it is not necessary for someone to be a liar to hurt others. They only have to be an honest liar. This is a person who is honest in public but lies to themselves and therefore their truth is a lie, but they are unaware. The honest liar gossips without taking responsibility and they are justified.