Gossip: Do Women Prefer a Bigger Penis to an Average / Small Penis?

Gossip: Do Women Prefer a Bigger Penis to an Average / Small Penis?

Will a woman cheat because the partner has an average / small size?

Oh, sorry to tell. If you are a woman reading this content right now, know that we men also have our gossip moments when we gather for a drink, or for games.?

And whenever we digress into talking about s*x, or relationship matters, we say the nastiest things, you won't ever believe!?

One of such topics, men from various walks of life, age group, race, or location discuss is: do women prefer bigger penises than average / smaller ones??

I have oftentimes argued about this topic with different peer groups, friends and even with women!?

And the discussion that emanates, can sometimes be very funny, awkward, and educating.

There are many reasons and context for which this topic - matters to a wide number of both - the men and women gender.

A man with a small size:

When we men get together, we come in our unique shades.?

The most recent gossip I had about this topic, was with an old friend.?

It's been close to a decade apart, that my friend and I saw each other.?

Then, last month, we reconnected. We planned a date, and it was fun.?

The topic started, when I asked why he wasn't yet married considering he's above forty, wealthy, gorgeous and can have any woman he desires, if he chooses.

He did try to dodge my question! But I wanted to know. I teased him.

And then he said; in summary, that none of the women he dates, desire to marry him.

I asked why? And he said, he's damn small.?

Small? What do you mean bro! I asked.?

He said, I am a 2.5 inch bro.?

?We both laughed out loud and hard, but then I saw the hurt in his eyes.?

Now, it would be really wrong and selfish to say that those women were unfair to my friend.

The reality is, these women knew that size matters, and it was clear that they knew what difference it makes.?

They did him a huge favor!?

Because if any of these women pretended and married him, my friend would most likely end with a partner who’s a cheating wife.?

Some women would cheat on a partner who has an average or small penis because they prefer it bigger. What are reasons why a woman would consider cheating based on this?

Cheating is a complex issue influenced by various emotional, psychological, and relational factors. While some women might consider cheating based on sexual dissatisfaction, such as a preference for a larger penis, it's important to understand that this decision is usually not based solely on physical attributes. Here are some reasons why a woman might consider cheating based on dissatisfaction with a partner's penis size:

Sexual Dissatisfaction:

???- Lack of Sexual Fulfillment: Some women might not feel sexually satisfied with a partner who has a smaller or average-sized penis. They might believe that a larger penis could provide them with more physical pleasure or satisfaction, leading them to seek sexual experiences elsewhere.

???- Desire for Variety: Curiosity or a desire for sexual variety can also play a role. A woman might cheat because she wants to explore what sex with a different partner, potentially with a larger penis, feels like.

???- Insecurity and Validation: Women, like men, can have insecurities about their own sexual desirability. Cheating with a partner who has a larger penis might be a way for a woman to validate her own attractiveness or sexual prowess.

???- Psychological Excitement: The thrill of being with someone different, especially someone who offers a different sexual experience, can be psychologically exciting. The idea of a "bigger" partner might contribute to this excitement.

???- Unrealistic Expectations: Exposure to pornography and media often creates unrealistic expectations about sex and physical attributes. If a woman internalizes these portrayals, she might develop a skewed perception of what makes sex satisfying, leading her to believe that a larger penis is essential for sexual pleasure.

???- Comparison with Past Experiences: If a woman has had past partners with larger penises and found those experiences more satisfying, she might compare her current partner unfavorably, which could contribute to thoughts of infidelity.

???- Lack of Emotional Connection: Often, infidelity is not just about physical dissatisfaction but also about emotional disconnect. If a woman feels emotionally disconnected or unfulfilled in her relationship, she might rationalize cheating by focusing on physical dissatisfaction as a justification.


???- Desire to Fit In: If a woman feels that her peers or social circle values certain sexual experiences (like being with someone who has a larger penis), she might cheat in an attempt to fit in or feel more connected with her peers.

More reasons why we gossip about this topic a lot:

- Media Influence:?

The portrayal of masculinity and sexual prowess in movies, television, and advertisements often emphasizes the idea that "bigger is better." This cultural narrative can lead both men and women to discuss and gossip about penis size as a measure of a man's sexual performance or desirability.

- Societal Expectations:?

There is a societal expectation that men should be well-endowed, which can create pressure on both genders to conform to these norms. This pressure can lead to discussions as people try to validate or challenge these expectations.

- Men's Insecurities: Many men feel insecure about their size due to societal pressure and comparisons with others. Gossiping about the topic can be a way for men to cope with their insecurities, either by seeking reassurance or by making jokes to diffuse their anxiety.

Women's Preferences and Expectations:?

Women also gossip about this topic as they navigate societal pressures around sexuality. They might discuss their preferences as a way of conforming to or rejecting societal norms, or simply to share experiences and opinions with peers.

Human sexuality is a complex and often taboo topic. Gossip about size can stem from a natural curiosity about what others think or experience, especially in a culture where open discussions about sexual preferences are often discouraged.

?Gossiping about this topic, in general, can serve as a social bonding tool. Discussing sensitive topics like penis size allows people to bond over shared secrets or opinions, reinforcing group cohesion.

?Sexual topics, including penis size, are often the subject of jokes and humor. Gossiping about size can be a way to introduce humor into social interactions, making light of an otherwise sensitive topic.

?Conversations about size can be seen as daring or risqué, making them a popular gossip topic.

Asking women; does size matter?

I sincerely trust that women have the best answer to this.?

From my analysis, about 70 percent agree that it does matter.?

30 percent say it doesn't matter. And that what matters is for a man to be exceptionally good at s*x.?

Some of the ladies I had gossiped with, said they had had a bigger guy who lacked the skill to put them to orgasm, while they had also had a small size guy take them to multiple orgasms and wild adventures.?

Asking men; does size matter?

On the other hand, 85 percent menfolk I gossiped with, say size really matters.?

They say, the bigger men are, the better their self confidence, and the more attractive they feel.

And the better the adventure!

And the more dominant they feel.

Hmmm, men and their ego!!!

On a final note,

Gossiping about whether size matters to women and what they prefer, is fueled by a mix of societal norms, insecurities, curiosity, peer dynamics, and the need for humor. While such discussions can provide entertainment or serve as a coping mechanism for insecurities, they may also perpetuate myths and unrealistic expectations.?

Understanding the reasons behind this gossip can help in addressing the underlying issues and fostering healthier conversations about sexuality.

For further reading:

Renowned Dr. Stevenson at the Medicals Research Foundation Australia speaks further on the importance of size for men and women, and how men can actually get bigger in length and girth, for those who desire it.?

This has hugely helped my 2.5 inch friend whom I talked about earlier in the content above. You can Learn More here https://medicalsresearch.com

So does size really matter? Please leave a comment.

All the best.


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