Gosport War Memorial Hospital
Hilary Cragg
Solicitor and Partner specialising in Elderly Client Law. I do Wills, LPAs, care advocacy and Court of Protection work.
After Harold Shipman was convicted in 2000, this tragedy of multiple deaths at the hands of healthcare professionals was supposed to never happen again!
There were earlier complaints made prior to the case of Harold Shipman, however the Police did not taken them seriously, until 90 people made a mass complaint and they looked into the matter in more detail, even then no charges were brought and although Dr Jane Barton was found guilty of "serious professional misconduct", she was allowed to retire and no charges have been brought.
I hope that the light shed by the the Gosport Panel Report will provide answers to the families and some comfort to them and that the NHS as a body will take account of these findings to ensure that future patients of unethical practice can be protected from Doctors who write "Please keep comfortable" in the records of someone who can recover!