Gosforth Northumbria Whirlwind (Part 1)
Vicky Jo Varner, PhD, MA, CPCC, PCC
Part-Time Professor at University of Philosophical Research
We said tearful au revoirs to Edie Rue, Mackerel, and Ginger, and promptly zoomed off to Newcastle-on-Tyne, where Robin had arranged a short sit.
Our charge was the divine Belle (or Bella). She was 18 years old with a big personality, although she was camera shy. She had only 3 legs and half a tail, and was the tiniest, boniest cat I’ve ever stroked in my life. I hope we did right by her in the small time we had together (I tried my best).
We crammed a lot into the timeframe of this sit and saw a lot of places (hence, this newsletter will be split into two parts).
Every day on our way to and from sightseeing during this sit, I would see signs for “Gosforth.”