Gordons Bonkers ISE2022 Barcelona Blog - Episode 4 (Day 4)
Gordon Dutch
CEO at Re-Sauce Sales & Business Consultancy – 2025 SCN Hall of Fame. 2017 Installation Magazine Global Hall of Fame. 2009 Mobile Electronics Magazine - Lifetime Achievement Award.
So I didn’t stay too late at the Peerless Party as I had another big day at the show, with more TV interviews. So I headed back to the hotel in good shape and packed ready for the next day, which was my last day at the show and I had a very late flight back out.
Now I do like to stay in a nice room at a nice hotel when I am away, simply because you need to be able to work and be comfortable, so I booked a decent room at a decent hotel which was very comfortable and everything was going really well until about 3 am… When like many men my age I needed to get up a wee… As I walk into the en-suite I leant my hand against the wall to turn on the lights, when all of a sudden I feel a massive thud on the top of my head and as I turn on the lights, I realise that a whole wall of heavy marble has detached itself from the wall and decided to hit me over the head…?
After realising what just happened, I steady myself and walk back into the hotel room and ring reception. After a fairly long wait, I get Juan the night manager and I explain what just happened. At which point he tells me that whilst he is sorry this has happened, there won’t be anyone to talk to about it until at least 8 am and so basically jog on…
Astounded that a 5-star hotel won’t come up to see if I am ok or the damage, I go back to bed and then call down to reception at 8 am when the duty manager comes up with a maintenance guy to review the room. As you can imagine, I had a stinking headache and by now a neck ache so was not in the best of moods as I had to head to the show, so like the trooper I am, I knock back some paracetamol and head off to the last day of the show, which is less busy today, possibly down to the Peerless Party which went onto 4 am so I heard!
After another busy day at the show doing interviews with the excellent Paul Milligan from Inavate and the hilarious David Berman of AV Magazine, I finally pack my bags to go back to the hotel to have a steaming argument with them, as they offer me one free night for the pleasure of getting knocked out by their dodgy local builder! What a liberty and so I book the physio Friday to check out my neck, which by now is throbbing like a good un and turns out I had what is akin to whiplash with about 20 kg of marble mugging me in the middle of the night.
As I head off to the airport to check-in, I bump into a large number of friends and colleagues all taking the last flight back, which in true show style ends up being delayed until almost midnight… However having had just about the best four days ever at a trade show, I took time to reflect. It was only just over a year ago in the middle of COVID we launched Re-Sauce and yet within one year we already have multiple brands on retainer, a Eurohub in Dusseldorf, satellites in Spain and France and have absolutely smashed ISE. What a year, what a show and InfoComm next. So I hope you enjoyed the blog and see you next year or at InfoComm if you’re there!!!
Big G x