GOP – Time to Close the Chapter on PROJECT 2025-  Useless Document –for Objective Critical Thinkers

GOP – Time to Close the Chapter on PROJECT 2025- Useless Document –for Objective Critical Thinkers

The Measure of Intelligence is the Ability to Change

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Last night at the DNC they mercilessly lampooned the large 2025 Book prop

…it served as a cudgel – a big fat stick

…the kind that Teddy Roosevelt talked about when he said

Speak softly and carry a big stick


Roosevelt whose reforms were wide sweeping in American Economics did not need a 800 Page Cookbook to tell him what he thought

Teddy was the most prolific of intellectuals in the Oval Office

The book I read this summer about presidents and what they wrote said that Roosevelt penned 18 million words audacious amount of any full time author

..but for Chief Executive Officer of a nation – astounding intellect


His cousin FDR whose reforms recast the image of the government’s role in American Society during one of its most precarious periods of time can be credited with not having to follow some “playbook”.


LBJ’s “Great Society” reforms that protected civil and voting rights along with major retrofit of certain FDR Federal Program followed no masterplan document.


The point here is that Critical Minds do not want such rigid fiats in composing their broad-brush initiatives.

Societal dynamics are constantly in a state of evolution or devolution

The complexity of these energies requires extreme flexibility and more importantly creativity.

These success ingredients are more necessary today than they were at the time of FDR or LBJ

In our world of global connectivity whose messaging shapes the consciousness of the planet with each 24-Hour News Cycle the Critical Thinker first and foremost MUST possess an Open Minded solidly anchored to their OBJECTIVITY


Objectivity is where all the real intellectual nurture their thoughts

What is it?

Just like the Four Cardinal Virtues of the Hellenic mind, objectivity is both and skill and a virtue a Virtue it has a committed value to always being anchored on Truth & Reason

..a Skill because it employs proven method to arrive at its conclusion


It establishes the True North baseline on the present realities

..the facts on the ground


Objective Critical Thinkers

..understand their life’s mission and purpose

…follow a self-directed independent process based on their perception

…accumulate factual evidence that concurs with reality and their conceptual thought – in that manner possess complete relevance which further aids them in not only evaluating the current fact patterns but predictively assessing the future trajectory


…..complete open mindedness that works from NO FIXED Assumptions

…works within a flexible framework understanding that there are no certainties and that each fact must prove its merit constantly in an on-going process of Confirmation based on all new data that is observes daily – in this manner it is not guilty of like the authors of Project 2025 ---Conformational Bias

….does not evaluate facts as Good or Bad but looks at the variations as the difference between the two – this becomes the strength of Real Reason and within the mindset prevents overreaction to anything

..Objective Thinkers have a rock solid attachment to the facts even if they disagree with their opinions – they are not hedged in to be Always Right or have a fear of making an error in their perception

….Critical Thinkers are more interested in Get it Correct than being Right and from this they develop an Independence that liberates them from parochial thinking

…their self-esteem is not founded on the orthodoxy of always being Right but the ability of their consciousness to grasp and accept facts as they are – this intellectual humility is the antidote for arrogance – overconfidence that ultimately creates becoming defensive

….Independent Thinkers have no problem to admit making a mistake and in fact welcome them as learning moments

…they pride themselves in the abilities of Deep Listening, Active Observation- intense open dialog --From this they develop scaffolds of the Flexibly Frameworks that are not static entities but living organisms for every dynamic finds its value in Capital

…Human Capital is the most essential determinate of success in all Dynamic Models


If you follow these considerations, you would find the composition of such a document as Project 2025 as more of an impediment than a workable asset

Everything is a measurement of Content, Context and Character ?

What’s ironic that such a tome of 800 Pages by the time it was completed would already be less relevant than when the project was conceived

With each proceeding day such a statement becomes even less useful for it is not a living document that reflects the additional information necessary for it to maintain its adherence to how the true facts actually exist on the grounds at the present moment.


This is one of the great challenges of those on the Conservative Right which it repeated over and over again

An overriding rigidness that springs from an elite arrogance in which being Right is far more important than being Correct


There was absolutely no need to waste the time and resources to write such a cookbook

…as those within this Conservative Mindset possess their own personal philosophies deeply attached to their own experiential learning

They do not need some Elite Think Tanks telling them what they feel in their hearts and know in their minds.



The Blue Team rightly deserves to mock such a useless, anachronistic document that expounds inflexible constructs that limit people’s freedom of choice and personal conscience.

Who made the Heritage Foundation the all-seeing Wizard of Oz that knows what is best?

It is in this arrogance where they fail the most to manifest themselves as real intellectuals

Are they smarter than Einstein that advised Flexible Scholarly Thought? fact within that intellectual agility is where your true ability comes to its apex


Starting with Trump and the Top of the GOP Ticket they must openly renounce Project 2025 as something that does not represent their mindset or method of making decision based on their inclusive consideration of the entire spectrum of everyone’s opinions.


2025 Document reveals the very worse of what WDC is all about and how distant it is from the thinking of the average citizen


Project 2025 is yet another evidentiary point of America’s Failed Leadership Class whose driving lust for control comes before even the small measure of common sense


..that if you possessed in this situation


..when someone came up with this idea in a meeting

Everyone in the room first would have laughed at it absurdity


…and as the Old Yankee would say


We need to do this project--- like a cat needs two tails







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