Louisa Hussey
Menopause Trainer / EFT / Smart Works Partnerships / Panellist / Pretending to be Kylie.
Have you ever had cold knees? I have, it's horrible.
Which is why we need to put the heating on in our centres.
Freezing goose-bump arms? No thanks.
The heating is ON.
Not just in winter when it's REALLY cold, but we'll put the heating on if there's a chill in the office, or if we think it's draughty.?
Because, our clients are literally getting changed in our centres.?
They're trying clothes on. They're taking off the clothes they arrived in, to try on a pair of trousers, or a dress.?
Which means we don't want anyone to be clinging to their socks because they're cold.?
They can't see how fabulous they look if they're clutching a big puffer jacket round themselves to keep warm.
So, heating is a very big and important part of our service AND we have to pay for it.
We run a VERY lean service really, our stylists are volunteers. Our coaches are volunteers. Our clothes are donated.?
So, when we are fundraising, to keep our service open, we're often looking for core costs - which is the most UNGLAMOUROUS of fundraising asks ever.?
And I know, I've been in fundraising for over 20 years.?
Yet it is absolutely essential to our service. We cannot ask vulnerable unemployed women to try on a fabulous outfit, when she's freezing cold.?
So, this December, with our HUGE fundraising target of £50,000, I am asking you to contribute to our core costs.?
To help us continue heating our centres, so our client isn't shivering looking at herself in a nice dress with her thermal socks on. (not the best combo).
All the things that perhaps we take for granted, when we work in lovely offices. Smart Works Greater Manchester has?to raise money for these things to happen.
Please donate to our Christmas Appeal during the week 3 - 10 December. Everything we receive will be MATCHED.?
Reply to me and tell me how much you can donate, and I'll send the link when it goes live next week.
With warm legs and non-freezy fingers,