Google Video Ads bring New Customers to your Business
Tom Brooks
AprofitableDay com | Business Directory | Video Marketing your Business | Reputation Services |
Maximize Your Understanding by Knowing where every Advertising Dollar you spend with Your Google Adwords Report.
- In the Time Frame you Selected
- How Many Impressions Versus How many people actually Watched your ad with View Rate %
- Did your ad run in Stream or Discover
- How about Audience Retention - What percentage of the viewers watched 25% of Verses 100% of the Video
- What zip code or codes did your ad run in?
- The Demographic Range of the viewer is broken down by these age ranges
- The Type of Device your Video Ad was watched on. - Mobile Phone - Tablet or Desktop Computer
- Locations your ad runs in - Google Does an Excellent Job with this
- Breakdown By color Percentage - Light to Dark what Day of the week and even Hour of the day your Ad was viewed most…
Understanding where your Advertising Dollars are going is very important and Google Makes that job much easier. Consider our “ Today’s Recommended Business” Advertising Program - covering 80% of all computers connected to the internet.